MOH Initiatives & Projects

School Entry Health Exam Program «Fitness Testing»

September 2022​


It is a medical examination program for new students before joining the school to determine their ideal educational path (general education - special education) by means of evaluating their general health status through checking the student’s and his/her family’s medical history, ensuring the completion of all basic vaccinations, as well as conducting several examinations, including: clinical examination, body mass index (BMI) calculation, dental examination, visual acuity test (VAT), and hearing test.

General Objective:
Assessing the students’ general health status, and determining their right educational path by detecting health problems and facilitating their treatment; thus improving their health level.

Detailed Objectives:
  • Early detection of auditory, visual, mental or physical disabilities that may affect the student's regularity in general education.
  • Early detection of infectious or chronic disease cases and providing their necessary treatment.
  • Ensuring the completion of all basic vaccinations according to the National Immunization Schedule.
  • Creating a medical examination results database that contributes to planning the school health policy.
  • Raising health awareness and necessary guidance related to detected cases.
Program Components:
  • Student personal data.
  • Medical history of students and their families.
  • Ensuring the completion of all basic vaccinations. 
  • Clinical examination.
  • Weight and height/BMI.
  • Visual Acuity Test (VAT).
  • Hearing test.
  • Articulation test.
  • Dental examination.
Target Group:
Students applying for the first grade of primary school.​
Implementation Date:
 Since admission for new students to register in the first grade of primary school.
Implementation Location:
Primary healthcare centers (PHCs).

Program Implementation Steps:
  • An appointment is booked for the student at the school health clinic via «Sehhaty» App.
  • The student visits the PHC with his/her guardian and all required registration documents, including the student's family ID card or residence permit, and the original vaccination certificate.
  • The student is examined according to the examination components.
  • Registering the student's data and his/her test results. 
  • The student is directed according to the examination result.
  • Guidance and referral to the competent authority is provided if necessary.
Previous Cases:
Not applicable.

Estimated Response Time:
Not applicable.

Service Fee:
It is free.

Help and Support:
Alternative Channels for Providing the Service:
Not applicable.​


Last Update : 16 November 2022 06:05 AM
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