MOH Statistics and Indicators

Health Information Survey


The Ministry of Health is in the process of comprehensive reform of the health information systems, especially those of non-communicable diseases, and started a five-year cooperation project with the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation - University of Washington - to implement an integrated system of health information in the Kingdom.

The first step is the implementation of a population-based survey to track risk factors leading to chronic diseases in the Kingdom. This survey was designed to measure all information on the social and economic factors as well as the risk factors leading to injuries and illnesses in the society. Amid the targets of the survey was to follow up the outpatients in hospitals and patients' visits to health facilities.
To keep it secret, all interviews were carried out separately with the family members. Participants were chosen via their randomly-selected housing numbers. Through the implementation of this survey, we managed to get more information about the health status, and risk factors leading to chronic diseases, as well as the ability of health facilities to perform their duties. Also, we identified the social and economic factors that affect the health of the individual and society. In addition, the survey helped us to assess disparities in health interventions, the matter which helps us to develop plans to fight chronic diseases in the Kingdom.
With the help of the information provided by this survey, the Ministry of Health will reach a better understanding of the health requirements in the Kingdom and provide a sound basis for the development and implementation of preventive and therapeutic programs for non-communicable diseases in all regions of the Kingdom.


The Survey includes the following: ​


To view the Whole Survey File, click here​.

Last Update : 30 May 2024 01:55 PM
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