Open Data

COVID-19 Statistics E-Platform

​The Ministry of Health (MOH) has launched, through its e-portal, a COVID-19 Statistics E-Platform​, which is an awareness statistics platform, meant to provide reliable statistics and data on COVID-19 from a single source. The platform also follows the updates of the spread of the virus across KSA, providing the exact number of cases and their health situation. 

As a comprehensive database, the platform also provides accurate, daily, and cumulative graphic and statistical data for the Kingdom's regions, governorates and cities. The data include the number of cases, recovery, mortalities, critical cases, active cases, and doses of the COVID-19 vaccine given, as well as the number of daily examinations conducted. The platform links KSA with the world through a single international database where numbers are continuously updated. Moreover, the platform provides application programing interface (APIs) for statistics and data to enable users to utilize them.  The platform is available for everyone and is easy to browse to facilitate the process of follow-up and viewing. 

Last Update : 20 May 2024 12:47 PM
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