Health Indicators |
Demographic Indicators |
Area 2000.000 km |
Indicator |
Population |
25,373 |
Total Population (Per 1000 People) |
73.1 % |
Percentage of the Saudi Population of Total Population |
26.9 % |
Percentage of non Saudi Population of Total Population |
2.2 % |
Average Population Growth Rate |
11.56 % |
Percentage of Population Under age 5 |
31.97 % |
Percentage of Population Under age 15 |
2.81 % |
Percentage of Population Over age 65 |
51.7 % |
Percentage of women in the age group (15 - 49 years) of the total women population |
49.9 % |
Percentage of Total Saudi women Population |
Economic Indicators |
14550 |
Per Capita Gross National Product (by U.S. Dollars) |
5.6 % |
??MOH Budget (% of Governmental Budget) |
271 |
MOH Expenditure per Capita (by U.S. Dollars) |
Health Resources Indicators |
Number |
Facilities |
244 |
MOH Hospitals |
39 |
Other Governmental Hospitals |
125 |
Private Sector Hospitals |
408 |
Total Number of Hospitals in KSA |
33277 |
Beds in MOH Hospitals |
10822 |
Beds in Other Governmental Hospitals |
11833 |
Beds in Private Sector Hospitals |
55932 |
Total Number of Beds in KSA |
2037 |
MOH Health Centers |
1944 |
Private Collected Units |
217 |
Private Clinics |
274 |
First Aid centers |
1097 |
First Aid Ambulances |
Number of Private Colleges |
Number of Government Colleges |
Colleges of Medicine and Medical Sciences |
5 |
16 |
Colleges of Medicine |
7 |
8 |
Colleges of Dentistry |
6 |
11 |
Colleges of Pharmacy |
18 |
51 |
Colleges of Medical Sciences |
Rate |
Rates per 10.000 Population |
21.8 |
Physicians |
2.9 |
Dentists |
5.9 |
Pharmacists |
43.7 |
Nurses |
23.5 |
Allied Health Personnel |
0.8 |
Primary Health Care Centers |
17.38 |
Beds in Governmental Hospitals |
4.66 |
Beds in Private Sector Hospitals |
22.04 |
Beds in Hospitals in KSA |
Rate |
Rates per 10.000 Population for MOH |
10.2 |
Physicians |
1.01 |
Dentists |
0.65 |
Pharmacists |
24.9 |
Nurses |
12.8 |
Allied Health Personnel |
13.1 |
Beds |
Health Workforce Indicators |
Number |
25832 |
Physicians |
2551 |
Dentists |
1654 |
Pharmacists |
63297 |
Nurses |
32360 |
Allied Health Personnel |
Number |
Other Governmental Facilities |
12304 |
Physicians |
978 |
Dentists |
1511 |
Pharmacists |
24253 |
Nurses |
18650 |
Allied Health Personnel |
Number |
Private Sector |
16767 |
Physicians in Hospitals |
381 |
Physicians in Private Clinics |
3826 |
Dentists in Hospitals |
55 |
Dentists in Private Clinics |
1225 |
Pharmacists in Hospitals |
10553 |
Pharmacists in Private Pharmacies |
23308 |
Nurses |
8608 |
Allied Health Personnel |
Number |
Total Health Workforce in KSA |
55284 |
Physicians |
7410 |
Dentists |
14943 |
Pharmacists |
110858 |
Nurses |
59618 |
Allied Health Personnel |
Percentage of Saudi Employees in Different Health Sectors |
% |
22.6 |
Physicians |
50.3 |
Nurses |
85.5 |
Allied Health Personnel |
% |
Other Governmental Facilities |
48.8 |
Physicians |
11.9 |
Nurses |
55.8 |
Allied Health Personnel |
% |
Private Sector |
4.9 |
Physicians |
4.8 |
Nurses |
14.7 |
Allied Health Personnel |
% |
Total Health Workforce in KSA |
23.1 |
Physicians |
32.3 |
Nurses |
65.3 |
Allied Health Personnel |
Health Activities Indicators |
Number |
54.6 |
Total Visits to Health Centers (by Million) |
11.4 |
Total Visits to Outpatients Clinics(by Million) |
1,655,051 |
Total Number of Inpatients in the Hospitals |
444,088 |
Surgeries |
131.2 |
Laboratory Investigations (by Million) |
5.3 |
Radiology Investigations (by Million)(Number of Patients) |
Number |
Health Activities in all Health Sectors in the Kingdom |
131 |
Total Visits to Health Centers and Outpatients Clinics (by Million) |
3,042,465 |
Total Number of Inpatients in the Hospitals |
929,403 |
Surgeries |
232.5 |
Laboratory Investigations (by Million) |
13.7 |
Radiology Investigations (by Million) (Number of Patients) |
5.2 |
Average of Visits for one Person per Year |
12 |
Average of Inpatients/100 People per Year |
Vital Statistics Indicators |
Rate |
Vital Statistics |
23.7 |
Crude Birth Rate /1000 People |
3.9 |
Crude Death Rate /1000 People |
Average of Life expectancy at Birth |
72.5 |
Male (By Years) |
74.7 |
Female (By Years) |
73.5 |
All (By Years) |
3.04 |
Total Fertility Rate |
17.3 |
Infant Mortality Rate Per 1000 Live Births |
20 |
Under-Five Mortality Rate Per 1000 Live Births |
14.3 |
Maternal Mortality Rate Per 100000 Live Births |
Health Indicators |
Indicator |
Morbidity |
7.45 |
Low Birth Weight % |
Incidence Rates / 100.000 Pop. |
0 |
Poliomyelitis |
0.1 |
Whooping Cough |
0.32 |
Measles |
10.95 |
Tuberculosis (TB) |
0.02 |
Tetanus (All Ages) |
0.02 |
Tetanus (Neonatal / 1000 Live birth) |
Mortality Indicators |
Most frequent causes of death classified according to the International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision (ICD-10) |
% |
Disease Groups |
18.35 |
Injury, Poisoning and External Causes |
17.39 |
Dis. Circulatory System |
8.51 |
Cond. Orig..Perinatal Period |
4.67 |
Dis. Respiratory System |
4.59 |
Neoplasms |
3.26 |
Infect & Parasitic Diseases |
3.24 |
Dis. Genitourinary System |
2.47 |
Congenital Anomalies |
2.28 |
Endocrine. Nutr. Metab Diseases |
1.92 |
Dis.Digestive System. |
Ministry of Health (MOH)
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
General Directorate of Statistics
Tel: 01 4038773
Fax: 01 4027197