Health Days 2021

International Scoliosis Awareness Day


KSA, among many other countries, celebrates the International Scoliosis Awareness Day on 25 June of every year, to spread awareness of scoliosis and related spinal conditions.  Scoliosis is where the spine twists and curves to the side. It either occurs suddenly or is hereditary, and its causes are often unclear. Most people with scoliosis are teenagers aged 10-15 years.  The type and severity of the curve may affect how it is treated. In infantile scoliosis, a doctor may use plaster casting or a plastic brace. In some mild cases, physical therapy or a surgery on the spine can help treat scoliosis. 
Symptoms of scoliosis could include: 
  • One shoulder blade that looks bigger
  • Ribs that stick out farther on one side of your body than the other
  • Shoulders or hips that look uneven
  • A visible curve in your back
  • Clothes not fitting properly 
  • Shed light on the importance of early diagnosis and braces as an early non-surgical treatment.
  • Raise awareness of scoliosis and related spinal conditions through educational campaigns, national activities and community events. 
Official date:
  • Globally: 25 June 2021
  • Locally: 15 Dhul-Qi’dah 1442H.
MOH - Live Well Platform, Twitter


Last Update : 27 February 2022 10:59 AM
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