The theme of this year enables the breastfeeding to connect with a variety of development issues over the coming years until 2030, covering the main links between breastfeeding and the seventeen Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through five general topics:
- Nutrition / Food Security.
- Health, well-being and survival.
- Environment and climate change.
- Work productivity, empowerment and social protection.
- Sustainable partnerships and rule of law.
Objectives of the Breastfeeding Week:
- To inform people about the new Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and how they relate to breastfeeding and Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF).
- To firmly anchor breastfeeding as a key component of sustainable development.
- To galvanize a variety of actions and procedures, in order to support breastfeeding and young child feeding.
- To engage and collaborate with a wider range of actors around promotion, protection and support of breastfeeding.
Approved date:
Globally: August 1st - 7th, 2016
Locally: Shawal 27th -Thul Qa`dah 4th, 1437H
The Week's Objectives:
- Defining SDGs and its relation with breastfeeding and young child feeding.
- Establishing the concept of the importance of breastfeeding to everyone as a key component of the sustainable development.
- Combining efforts and mobilizing varied procedures to support breastfeeding and young child feeding.
- Participation and cooperation with groups that extensively work for protecting and supporting the breastfeeding.
The theme of the World Breastfeeding Week 2016:
Breastfeeding: A key to Sustainable Development
For more information.