Health Days 2014

International Day of Persons with Disabilities
Persons with disabilities undoubtedly comprise one of the most important segments in the society. Therefore the United Nations (UN) proclaimed December 3rd of every year as the international day to celebrate them, and shed light on their achievements and contributions. The Day aims at involving persons with disabilities in all aspects of political, social, economic and cultural aspects of their societies and revitalizing their participation by providing education and training opportunities for them. The idea underlying this year’s international day of persons with disabilities is to facilitate the use of electronic means and information and communications technology tools in their public life.
Key facts about persons with disabilities:
  • World population totals 7 billion, and one billion of them live with some form of disability.
  • There are more than 100 million children with disabilities.
  • Children with disabilities are four times more prone to violence than other children.
  • Adults with disabilities are more prone to violence and aggression by one and half times than others.
  • 80% of the disabled live in developing countries.
  • 50% of the disabled don't receive health care, particularly in the developing countries.
Internationally approved date: December 3rd, 2014
Locally approved date: Safar 11th, 1436H
Theme of the Internal Day of Persons with Disabilities 2014:  
Sustainable Development: The Promise of Technology.
Targeted groups:
  • Persons with disabilities and their families.
  • Workers in the health sector. 
  • Health institutions and organizations.
  • Decision makers in the health sector
  • The public.
Objectives and general messages of the international day of persons with disabilities:
  • Raising the general awareness to make the community and persons with disabilities well aware of the meaning of "Disability". 
  • Determining the important criteria and guidelines for developing health care provided for persons with disabilities. 
  • Ensuring availability of medical information on the health status of the disabled and their families.
  • Providing full support for the persons with disabilities and protecting their dignity and rights.
  • Supporting research and information collection on the disabled, locally and internationally. 
  • Ensuring involvement of persons with disabilities in implementation of the policies and programs provided for them. 
  • Supporting the disabled in all fields especially education, training and employment. 
  • Facilitating the use of electronic and information technology devices such the Internet by the disabled.
Related links:

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Last Update : 02 December 2014 07:35 PM
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