
Children Vaccinations


What to expect when vaccine is given to a child for the first time:
The child can be helped to make the immunization experience a positive one by understanding what will happen when the child is vaccinated.

Before taking the vaccine:
Remember to take a child's immunization record when visiting the doctor or public health office, and if the child does not have a record, be sure to ask the healthcare provider.

While taking the vaccine:
The doctor or nurse may ask some questions about the child's health, such as: if he has allergies or health problems, and there are tips to help the child while taking the vaccine:
  • Relaxation: the child reacts to his parents' emotions when relaxed and stays positive, and will also be happier.
  • Pampering: It is recommended to cuddle and talk to the child while he is being vaccinated. Studies have found that babies who are cuddled scream less during injections.
  • Breastfeeding: It will be comfortable for the baby to breastfeed before, during or after taking the vaccine.
  • Distraction: A gentle voice or a calming touch can help calm the baby; Where you can give him a favorite toy or tell him a story.

After taking the vaccine:
  • Before going home, remember to book the next vaccination appointment.
  • The first dose of immunization may begin at birth; But of course there is a dose at the age of two month
  • Write down the time of the next appointment in your cell phone, or home calendar as soon as possible before you forget it.
  • Vaccinations are part of the child care routine; Therefore, they must be kept to their appointments to protect their health.

Side effects after taking the vaccine:
Most children are fine after vaccination and may not have any reaction at all, or they may have different side effects depending on type of vaccine; But benefits of the vaccines far outweigh the mild, temporary side effects that often don't need treatment, including:
  • High temperature.
  • Pain, redness, or swelling around the injection site.
  • Sleeping more than usual.
  • Itching at the injection site.
  • Mild skin rash.
  • Headache.
  • Nausea.
  • In very rare cases, a severe allergic reaction may occur within a few minutes of taking the vaccine.
  • All of these are normal reactions, and they usually last between 12 and 24 hours.

The effect of delay in taking the vaccine:
This may expose the child to the risk of contracting target diseases; The maximum benefit from the vaccine is when it is taken on time, and taking the vaccines on time is one of the most important jobs of the parents; As his vaccination is a protection for him from serious diseases throughout his life, Allah willing.

Vaccine taking delay:
Vaccination can be postponed in the following cases:
  • High temperature.
  • Having an acute illness.
  • Those receiving immunosuppressive drugs and treatment (chemical or radiological).

But the child can get the vaccine if he has a mild illness, has a mild fever, or is taking antibiotics, and it is recommended to speak to the child's doctor if there are any questions.

When should you consult a doctor?
Before taking the vaccine:
  • A severe allergy as a result of a previous immunization.
  • A severe allergy to one of the components of the vaccine.
  • Those who suffer from immunodeficiency diseases are not given the vaccine except after consulting a doctor.
  • Neurological disorders such as convulsions or epilepsy.

After taking the vaccine:
  • If the side effects are severe.
  • If the side effects do not go away.
  • If the child has convulsions due to a high temperature.
  • If the child's crying continues for more than 3 hours.
  • If the child has a shiver or tremoring.
  • If the child's activity decreases significantly.
  • If the injection area has increased swelling and redness after 24 hours.

Common questions:
Are vaccines safe?
The Health Organization confirmed that the vaccine is carefully tested to ensure its safety, and is constantly monitored even after its production.

If these diseases are rare, why does the child need to be vaccinated?
Diseases that were common in the past are now rare because of vaccines. But it is still present, and even a single case of measles can cause its rapid spread if the vaccine is not taken, it is difficult to distinguish who carries the microbe, or if the child is susceptible to the disease.
  Many of the diseases that can be prevented by vaccines have no cure, and in some cases, children can die from complications of the disease. The best protection is to ensure that vaccination is taken at the appropriate time.

Why should a child be vaccinated at such an early age?
Vaccine schedule dates are designed to protect a child from preventable diseases, as they are given to children early in life; Because they are susceptible to disease, and the consequences can be very serious; But if taken on time, the child has protection quickly as much as possible.

When should vaccinations be given to a child?
T​he child needs to take vaccinations in several stages; In order to provide full protection, some vaccines must be given more than once to build up the child's immune system.

Can a child have more than one vaccine at a time?
Yes, as some vaccines are given together; To protect the baby from several diseases at once, the baby's immune system is great and can easily handle more than one vaccine at a time safely and effectively.
The healthcare provider will give parents information about the child's vaccinations at each visit.

Where can vaccinations be obtained?
Vaccines are available in all health centers of the Ministry of Health, as well as in the private sector.

What is the benefit of maintaining the child's vaccinations regularly?
Because it is one of the requirements for enrollment in the school; Children must have all required vaccinations before starting school or nursery, and this is important to help prevent the spread of serious diseases. The child's vaccination report is also useful when needed when visiting another doctor or when traveling.


Last Update : 07 May 2024 12:02 PM
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