First Aid

Eye Injury
When any eye injury occurs, a doctor should be consulted immediately, even if the injury is minor, as it is often not possible to determine whether the injury is mild or serious. Some problems can only be identified by a doctor (such as retinal detachment), and some injuries can lead to to high eye pressure or a slight hemorrhage that can only be identified after severe eye damage leading to vision loss.

Common causes of eye injuries:
  • Punches in the eye.
  • Sports injuries (such as: blows by hands or other objects such as a ball and other sports equipment).
  • Entry of volatile parts during industrial work or fireworks, etc. into the eye.
  • Infection of the eye with chemicals.
When you notice any of these signs after an eye injury, you should go to the doctor immediately, because they indicate a serious eye injury:
  • Continuous pain in the eye.
  • Vision problem.
  • Cut or lacerated eyelid.
  • One eye does not move like the other.
  • One eye protruded from its place.
  • A difference in the size or shape of the pupil of the eye from normal.
  • Presence of blood in the clear part of the eye.
  • Presence of a foreign object in the eye that cannot be removed.
Eye scratches:
It is most often caused by a child, pet, or during exercise, and a person can feel symptoms right away or get worse hours after infection.

Symptoms of eye scratches:
  • Eye pain.
  • Feeling of having an object stuck in the eye.
  • If the cornea (the front transparent part of the eye which is convex in shape) is scratched, the vision will be blurry, or feels headache or sensitivity to light.
How to treat eye scratches:
  • Most eye scratches are simple scratches that heal on their own within a few days, but the eye should be examined by a doctor.
  • If there is severe eye pain or vision problems, you should go to the emergency room.
The doctor may prescribe some types of drops (such as: antibiotics) that contain cortisone or eye drops to reduce inflammation and reduce the occurrence of scars, but no type of drops should be used without consulting a doctor and a prescription.

First aid in case of eye scratches:
  • The eye should be washed with clean water or saline solution.
  • Blinking several times, as this may help remove small particles of sand or dirt from the eye.
  • The eyes should not be touched with anything, rubbed with hands, or trying to remove the foreign body, because this will harm the eye.
  • Contact lenses should not be worn until complete recovery, because wearing them will slow down healing and may cause complications.
  • If the eye becomes sensitive to light after the scratch, sunglasses should be worn to feel comfortable.
First aid for most eye injuries:
In the event of a blow on the eye:
    • Gently apply cool compresses to relieve pain and swelling, and avoid using  frozen food bags to prevent bacterial eye infection.
    • Avoid exerting any pressure on the eyes.
    • In the event of darkening of the eye, severe pain, or disturbance of vision, you must go to the emergency room directly.
    • A blow on the eye must not be underestimated, because a light blow can lead to retinal detachment and vision loss.
Eye cut or hole:
  • The eye must be covered with a clean protective cover until receiving a doctor.
  • Avoid pressing on the eye lid.
  • Avoid rinsing the eyes with water.
  • Avoid removing anything stuck in the eye.
  • Avoid rubbing or pressing the eye.
  • Do not take aspirin or any other anti-inflammatory medication, as it will increase bleeding.
  • You must go to the emergency room or the doctor immediately.
Chemical burns of the eye:
  • Immediately wash the eye with clean water.
  • You must know the type of chemical that caused the injury and inform the doctor about it, because some substances harm the eye more than others.
  • Go to the doctor directly for an eye examination.​​
First aid for all other eye injuries:
  • Do not touch, rub or press on the eye.
  • Do not try to remove any object stuck in the eye.
  • Avoid applying ointment or eye medication without a prescription.
  • Avoid using eye drops without a prescription, as they may increase pain or lead to complications.

Last Update : 14 May 2023 08:16 PM
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