Vaginoplasty (also known as posterior colporrhaphy) is a medical procedure conduced for multiple causes. Vaginoplasty procedures can be divided into three groups of causes:
- Aesthetic causes.
- Psychological causes: to treat embarrassment, low self-esteem and anxiety.
- Functional causes: to reduce pain or discomfort during intercourse.
Till more evidence on the effectiveness and risks of aesthetic gynecology comes up, several medical and health awareness organizations worldwide have warned against such procedures (including laser vaginal rejuvenation, etc), to avoid the potential risks. Those procedures are particularly unrecommended for children.
Complications of vaginoplasty:
- Nerve damage and loss of sensation
- Labial asymmetry
- Permanent discoloring
- Death of the tissue in the surgery area
- Blood clotting
- Painful intercourse
- Sexual arousal disorder
- Urinary problems (e.g. urinary incontinence)
- Damages to other reproductive organs
- Stress
- Dissatisfaction with the procedure results
- Some of these complications may require an additional surgery
Laser vaginal rejuvenation:
A safe and effective procedure for treating some vaginal and urinary conditions after menopause, as well as activating the sexual functions and improving the quality of life. Gently and painlessly, laser is used to repair the vaginal wall (internal tissue). It helps rebalance the components of the mucosal tissue as well as the urinary and reproductive tracts. Nevertheless, the laser vaginal rejuvenation procedure may not be effective if the prolapse is severe, in which case a surgery may prove to be a better solution.
Repair of vaginal wall prolapse:
Repair of vaginal wall prolapse is a surgical procedure conducted to women feeling a pressure in the vagina or the lower back, or when noticing a lump in or around the vagina, or other urinary symptoms (e.g. slow flow of urine, urinary retention, frequent urination, urinary urgency, in addition to symptoms of bowel disorders.
Vaginal laxity:
Pregnancy and vaginal delivery may lead to widening of the vagina. Vaginal laxity is likely to occur as a result of multiple pregnancies, or aging.
As is the case with most non-surgical procedures, non-surgical treatment of vaginal laxity is not a substitute for surgeries. Laser may be used to tighten the vagina by means of restructuring collagen, whereas a surgery may be needed to close a gap in the vaginal muscles, in cases where the results of the laser procedure are limited.
When to consider vaginoplasty?
Some women are deceptively induced to undergo a vaginoplasty procedure, for no purpose other than marketing this type of medical procedures, and making profit therefrom. Women should be aware that:
- The shape of genitals varies from one woman to another;
- There are certain medical necessities for vaginoplasty, which is usually conducted to older women, or women who have had frequent deliveries, leading to weakness of the muscles and cords in the pelvis and perineum. The cause may also be hereditary.
Causes that induce women into vaginoplasty:
Women usually resort to vaginoplasty when suffering physical, mental or social problems affecting the marriage life and the relationship between spouses. Some women opt to undergo a vaginoplasty procedure to appear younger or more beautiful, especially given the recently prevailing atmosphere of obsession with youth and beauty. There must be a medical necessity for conducting such a procedure (e.g. multiple deliveries, etc.) From a medical point of view, there are causes that make a vaginoplasty necessary, such as vaginal laxity, or certain medical conditions (e.g. vaginal sounds, etc.)
Post-delivery vaginoplasty:
A vaginoplasty procedure may be considered to treat the laxity of the vaginal wall, or the changes in the vagina or the surrounding areas (e.g. labia), caused by multiple deliveries. Since such laxity may affect the relationship between partners, women recourse to medical interventions (to tighten the vagina). The ease and spread of vaginoplasty have convinced more and more women to consider this option.
Types of vaginoplasty procedures:
- A procedure to tighten the vaginal and vaginal opening (perineorrhaphy), by removing the extra tissue from the vaginal wall;
- Labiaplasty: a surgical procedure conducted on the labia;
- Vagina narrowing;
- A procedure to repair pelvic organ prolapse;
- Labia majora augmentation: by injecting a filler (usually a fat tissue drawn from another part of the woman’s body) into the labia.
- Liposuction to remove extra fat.
- Do vaginoplasty procedures treat women’s urinary incontinence?
- Vaginoplasty has only to do with the shape of the genitals, and not the functions (such as urinary incontinence). However, it may prove useful in the cases of mild incontinence.
- What are the complications and side-effects associated with laser vaginal rejuvenation?
- Most women who have undergone this procedure experience discomforting but temporary side effects (e.g. mild redness or swallowing). They are usually cured within a few days. In addition, vaginal rejuvenation per se does not guarantee a heightened sexual response; given the complexity of sexual arousal, ecstasy and the like responses.
- Can a woman conceive after undergoing a laser vaginal rejuvenation procedure?
- It depends on the type and details of the procedure, as well as the doctor’s advice.
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