Nervous System


It is a common type of headache, which causes severe headache attacks with a pulsating sensation in the head accompanied by nausea, vomiting, excessive sensitivity to light and sound, and the inability to continue daily duties and activities, usually on one side of the head. Attacks can cause severe pain that lasts from hours to several days.

Types of Migraine:
  • Migraine with alert (focal or classic headache): There are specific warning signs before it starts (eg seeing flashing lights).
  • Migraine without warning (common migraine): occurs without specific warning signs, lasts longer, and affects daily activities.
  • Alert migraine without headache (silent migraine): where you experience alerts of migraine or other symptoms but no headache.
Causes of Migraine
Although the causes are unknown, it may be the result of abnormal activity that temporarily affects nerve, chemical, and blood vessel signals in the brain. Migraine may occur due to a genetic factor, which means that there is a possibility of being inherited in some families.

  • Severe headache on one side of the head with a sense of pulse and gets worse when moving.
  • Pulsation around the eyes and in the head.
  • Nausea or vomiting.
  • Sensitivity to light, sound, and smells.
  • Weakness in concentration.
These symptoms usually last between four hours to three days.

Alert symptoms (temporary warning):
Most sufferers can predict the onset of a migraine, as it is preceded by some symptoms that reflect its occurrence, including:
  • Visual problems (eg, seeing flashing lights or blind spots).
  • Numbness or a tingling sensation in the hands.
  • Feeling dizzy or unbalanced.
  • Difficulty speaking.
  • Unconsciousness.
These symptoms usually develop over about five minutes and last for up to an hour. Some may experience alert symptoms with a mild headache or without it.

Migraine triggers:
  • Hormonal changes in women, especially when estrogen decreases, as well as before and during menstruation.
  • Pregnancy or menopause.
  • Some medicines such as hormonal medicines (contraceptives).
  • Some foods that contain tyramine (such as: cured meats and smoked fish) and some types of cheese (such as: cheddar).
  • High-caffeine drinks or caffeine cuts for those who used to eat it constantly.
  • Stress and stress.
  • Sensory stimuli (such as bright lights, sunlight, loud sounds, or strong smells).
  • Sleep disturbances (too little or too much sleep).
  • Strong physical exertion.
  • A sudden change in weather, atmospheric pressure or environment.
  • Skipping meals and being very hungry.
  • Anxiety and depression.
Risk factors:
  • Family history of migraine.
  • Age often occurs during adolescence.
  • Sex, as women are 3 times more likely to get it.
  • If you have another medical condition, such as depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, sleep disorders, and epilepsy.
When to see a doctor:
When you frequently experience signs and symptoms of migraine attacks, or when you notice the following:
  • Headache with fever, stiff neck, double vision, weakness, or trouble speaking.
  • Headache after a head injury.
  • Chronic headache after exertion (eg: coughing or sudden movement).
  • Migraine attacks are repeated for more than 5 days a month.
  • Paralysis or weakness in one or both arms and one side of the face.
  • A sudden painful headache that results in severe pain, unlike what happened before.
These symptoms may be a sign of a more serious condition.

Several effective treatments are available to reduce symptoms and prevent additional headaches, including:
  • Medicines either to relieve symptoms during a seizure or even to prevent it from happening completely, or preventive medicines taken regularly, and the patient may use both types.
  • The use of medicines is started when the symptoms that precede a headache attack occur, and when these symptoms do not occur, the medicines are taken immediately when the headache symptoms begin.
  • Rest with eyes closed in a quiet, dark room, and try to sleep.
  • Putting a cold cloth or ice on the forehead.
  • Drinking fluids in sufficient quantities, especially when vomiting occurs.
  • Avoid migraine stimuli.
There is no way to prevent migraines, but some strategies may help reduce the number and severity of migraines, including:
  • Ensure that you eat regularly and do not skip mealtimes.
  • Take enough rest on a regular basis and avoid staying up late.
  • Do regular physical activity.
  • Know your migraine triggers and avoid these triggers.
Instructions for migraine sufferers:
  • Do not take too many pain relievers.
  • Maintain a healthy lifestyle.
  • Reduce caffeine intake.
  • Reduce stress and cope with it.
  • Make sure to get enough rest.
  • Do regular physical activity.
  • Avoid headache triggers.
  • Make sure to make the sleeping environment comfortable by keeping devices around the bed.
Last Update : 20 August 2023 10:31 AM
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