Announcements about Private Health Sector Performance

Dr. Al-Zewawi: MOH Continues Supervising the Private Health Sector, Closes 38 Violating Facilities
In continuation of the Ministry of Health's (MOH) efforts to enforce regulations and requirements and follow up the private health sector's commitment to improving the services provided for patients, the Assistant Deputy Minister for Private Health Sector Affairs Dr. Ali Al-Zewawi explained that the MOH, through its different committees, has continued application of its plans to follow up and supervise the services provided by the health sector and ensure everyone's compliance with the required requirements and specifications in such a manner that satisfies its customers and beneficiaries of the services provided by these facilities, as well as providing high quality health services that meet their health needs.
He pointed out that the Ministry has closed 38 private health facilities for violating regulations and recorded 302 violations against private health institutions and pharmaceutical facilities in a number of regions in the Kingdom, during the month of Raby` al-awal, 1436H. “Meanwhile,” said Dr. Al-Zewawi, “the violations monitored by the medical violations committees and legal health commissions against medical or technical staff reached 63 violations during the same period.”
He added that the health affairs directorates in all regions of the Kingdom supervise 140 private hospitals, in addition to more than 2,000 complexes for medical clinics and 7,000 pharmacies, noting that the number of health practitioners in the private sector amounted to 98,000.
Furthermore, Dr. Al-Zawawi has lauded the effective role of the private health sector, describing it as a main partner in providing health services. He also called upon all workers in this sector to exert their utmost efforts; in order to promote the level of health services provided for citizens and residents, in such a manner that helps further health progress in the Kingdom as directed by the prudent government of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, May Allah protect him, to promote the level of health facilities' performance.
It is worth mentioning that the MOH, out of its responsibility for the performance level in the private health sector, pays great attention to inspection tours to verify the implementation of the rules and regulations with the aim of maintaining safety and security of the services offered to patients through the constant follow-up by the inspection committees in health affairs directorates, as well as the sudden tours, citizens’ cooperative initiatives, and communication via the MOH Portal, the Citizen’s Voice service, or fax no. 0112124196.
Over and above, the MOH threatened that it will take the statutory punitive actions against any violations, including fines, suspension from work, license withdrawal, or temporary or final closure. Those penalties may be imposed on the private health institutions and pharmacies, or health profession staffs. They may include also deporting the violating health practitioner and preventing him from returning to the country. This gives an actual indication that the MOH and its health affairs directorates are very serious about inspecting and redressing any deficiencies or failures in the health services offered in the private health sector.
Last Update : 09 March 2015 10:11 AM
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