MOH Announcements

Amending the announcement for specializations of (Physiotherapy/ Occupational Therapy/Prosthetics/ Speech Therapy)

​​​​Amending the announcement for specializations of (physiotherapy, occupational therapy, prosthetics, and speech therapy) is available now, from Thursday 12/11/1444 AH until the end of next Thursday on 19/11/1444 AH.

Please consider the following points:
  • Ensure that the bachelor’s degree certificate is attached, the GPA is recorded, and the date of graduation, the date of issuing the certificate, or the venue of university are written and well-appeared in the document. 
  • Ensure that the classification of the Health Specialties Authority is attached.
  • For those who have experience, make sure to attach a detailed social insurance wage extension certificate and a photocopy showing the job title for each experience, knowing that the approved date is the one registered in social insurance from the date you started your career until the date of being off from work.
  • Ensure that the job title in the employer's photocopy is consistent with the job title of the advertisement.
  • A graduate outside the Kingdom must attach a bachelor’s certificate, academic record, and average keys indicating the minimum grade of excellent, the minimum grade of very good, the minimum grade of good, and the minimum grade of acceptable, and ensuring that they are recorded correctly.
Very Important Notice:
  • Volunteering or locum is not considered experience.
  • Recording experiences without SANED period.

Last Update : 31 May 2023 05:31 PM
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