MOH Announcements

MOH Announces Vacancies for Pharmacist and Non-Physician Specialist

​​​The Ministry of Health (MOH) announces the opening of job applications for non-physician specialists and pharmacists, holders of bachelor's degrees. The applicant must verify placement choices before submitting his application. The job application will be opened from Thursday, December 31st, 2020 to Wednesday, January 13th, 2021, for two weeks, through MOH’s employment website​, and submit the following documents:

  • Qualification certificate, including GPA, percentage or accumulated GPA, and graduation date.
  • Foreign degree holders should submit the higher education equation, attached with its keywords.
  • Internship certificate and valid professional registration card.
  • GOSI certificate and employment certificate, if any.

Last Update : 31 December 2020 11:11 AM
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