MOH Publications

Madinah Health Affairs Directorate Intensifies its Preparations for Serving Pilgrims
The Ministry of Health (MOH), as represented by the Health Affairs General Directorate of Madinah Region, has carried out all preparations for providing health services for pilgrims visiting the Prophet Mosque (peace be upon him), prior to and following this year's Hajj season (1434H).
The Ministry has prepared an integrated health plan aiming to attain the best possible level of performance of the health services provided for the guest of Allah (pilgrims), as well as citizens and residents. Thus, the Ministry seeks to provide a host of integrated health services, by means of curative, preventive and ambulatory programs, through highly equipped health facilities, and well qualified calibers who are trained on providing such services.
It is noteworthy, the Madinah Health Affairs General Directorate has managed to prepare nine hospitals, with a total bed capacity of over 1300 beds, in addition to 139 IC and emergency beds, with the aim of providing health services for pilgrims. These hospitals are: King Fahad hospitals (423 beds), al-Ansar Hospital (100 beds), al-Miqat Hospital (65 beds), Ohud Hospital (261 beds), al-Hanakiyah Hospital (50 beds), Khaibar Hospital (50 beds), al-Hemnah Hospital (50 beds), Yanbo' Hospital (279 beds), and Wadi al-Fara' (50 beds). Meanwhile, the remaining governmental hospitals in Madinah region shall be considered as the third frontline, to address potential disasters, Allah forbid! Whereas Madinah's private-sector hospitals shall be regarded as the fourth frontline in cases of disasters, or the inadequacy of MOH hospitals' beds.
These hospitals are further supported by 15 primary healthcare centers spread all through the central area, around the sacred precincts of Madinah, the places where pilgrims agglomerate, as well as the main roads leading to the Hajj Sites. Four health centers have been prepared in the patios surrounding the Madinah Sanctuary; they are: Bab Jibreel, al-Safiyah, Bab al-Salam and Bab al-Majeedi. Another six health centers have been prepared in the pilgrims' housing areas: al-Ejabah, al-Bai'ah, Ohud, Qibaa, al-Awali and al-Ansar. In addition, three health centers have been prepared by the entrances and exits of the Madinah Region: Overland Pilgrims (hujjaj al-barr), al-Hijrah Station, and al-Miqat Health Center. Two other health centers have been prepared on the main roads to and from Madinah; they are: al-Yutmah Health Center and al-Salsah Health Centers.
At the points of entry to Madinah, three health control centers have been established; they are: the health control center annexed to Prince Mohamed bin Abdulaziz Airport (Madinah), the health control center annexed to Prince Abdulmohsin bin Abdulaziz Airport (Yanbo'), and the health control center at Yanbo' Commercial Port. That is to be added to clinic of the guests of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, currently being established at one of the hotels assigned to host pilgrims. These centers accommodate 55 beds, and this number can be increased to 61 beds when having al-Safiyah Center expanded.
During 1434H, it is worth mentioning, al-Miqat 2 Health Center has been established, and Bab al-Salam Health Center has been renovated. Right now, a health center is being constructed on Riyadh Road, whereas Bab al-Majidi Health Center and al-Hijrah Station Health Center are being renovated, in addition to expanding al-Safiyah Health Center.
The Madinah Health Affairs General Directorate has shown keen interest in preparing those health facilities and supplying them with ambulances, in coordination with the Saudi Red Crescent Authority, through the Emergency and Crises Management Department, with the purpose of moving cases referred from health centers to hospitals. Besides, the necessary medical equipment, drugs, tools and vaccines, as well as the equipments necessary for health awareness (monitors, signs, posters, and brochures), have been all adequately provided. Over and above, the labor force existing at such facilities has been determined, to identify the required medical calibers, and train them on providing health services for pilgrims.
Moving on to the preventive aspect, the Ministry is carrying out a preventive plan, including an immunization plan against meningitis for citizens and residents willing to perform Hajj, as well as “health workers, security forces, employees of hotels, and school students who have not been vaccinated over the past two years.” Also, field crews, from all sectors, have been formed to carry out the immunization plan at the Central Region and the units surrounding the Haram (pilgrims' hotels and residential blocks).
Over and above, strict preventive procedures are taken against some contagious and epidemic diseases such as yellow fever, meningitis, cholera and swine flu. Those coming from yellow-fever stricken countries are required to submit an immunization certificate against this diseases, validated by world health organizations. If such a certificate is not submitted, the pilgrim will be put under strict health control for six days as of the immunization date, so as to ensure whether any symptoms will emerge, and instantly inform the competent authorities. In addition, all pilgrims are ensured to have taken the quadrivalent vaccine in their respective countries at least 10 days before they set out for Hajj.
The Ministry has also supplied the Madinah Region with small and big ambulances to carry out the emergency and crises plan before and after the Hajj season, and to quickly intervene to handle cases and take them to health facilities.
In addition, the laboratory requirements have been supplied in adequate quantities, and made sure to be conveniently stored. That is to be added to the supply of adequate quantities of blood and blood products to the Central Blood bank and peripheral blood banks.

Last Update : 30 September 2013 11:42 AM
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