Women's Health

Other Visits of the Pregnant to Health Center (Second visit - Sixth visit)
​​​Second visit to a primary care center at 18 weeks gestation:
  • In this visit, the pregnant woman is examined again, her weight is taken, her blood pressure is measured, and a clinical examination is performed by measuring the height of the uterus in the abdomen and comparing it to the gestational age. The fetal heartbeat is also heard.
  • A rapid urine test is done using strips, which infers many diseases, and a comprehensive urine examination is done when needed, and it is evaluated again to detect the need to transfer it to the hospital.
  • She is prescribed some supplements that are necessary during this period (such as: iron supplements, calcium supplements, and vitamin D) when needed.
  • The second ultrasound examination is performed between (18-22) weeks of pregnancy to ensure normal growth of the fetus and the absence of congenital abnormalities.
  • She is educated according to this period of pregnancy, and her questions are listened to and answered, and a date for the third visit is set at 24 weeks.
Third visit to primary care center at 24 weeks
  • ​I​n this visit, the pregnant woman is examined in the same way as in the previous visit, by taking her weight, measuring her blood pressure, asking her about the movement of the fetus, and conducting a clinical examination by measuring the height of the uterus in the abdomen and comparing it to the age of pregnancy, and the fetal heartbeat is also heard.
  • Conducting special tests for this visit (such as: comprehensive blood test, blood ferritin level, urine test using rapid test strips, and comprehensive urine test) when needed, as in the previous visit.
  • A glucose tolerance test is done during this visit, as this test measures the level of sugar in the blood, which indicates a high level of gestational diabetes, which can cause problems during pregnancy.
  • She is educated according to this period of pregnancy, and her questions are listened to and answered, and a date for the fourth visit is set at 28 weeks.
Fourth visit to primary care center at 28 weeks:
  • In this visit, the pregnant woman is examined in the same way as in the previous visit, by taking her weight, measuring her blood pressure, asking her about the movement of the fetus, and conducting a clinical examination by measuring the height of the uterus in the abdomen and comparing it to the age of pregnancy, and the fetal heartbeat is also heard.
  • Performing special tests for this visit (such as: urine examination using rapid test strips and comprehensive urine examination) when needed, as in the previous visit.
  • If the pregnant woman is negative for the rhesus factor, then an antiglobulin test is done (indirect Coombs test). In this visit, an anti-D immunoglobulin needle is prescribed, which works to remove antigens that may have crossed the mother's blood from the fetus, and thus the mother's blood does not have any antigens.  
  • The third ultrasound examination is performed between (30-34) weeks of pregnancy, for various medical reasons, including determining the location of the placenta.
  • The supplements she needs such as iron, calcium and vitamin D are prescribed when needed.
  • She is educated in accordance with this period of pregnancy about nutrition and breastfeeding, and is introduced to the risk factors that require emergency care. Her questions are also listened to and answered, and a date for the third visit is set at 32 weeks.
Fifth visit to primary care center at 32 weeks of gestation:
  • In this visit, the pregnant woman is examined in the same way as in the previous visit, by taking her weight, measuring her blood pressure, asking her about the movement of the fetus, and conducting a clinical examination by measuring the height of the uterus in the abdomen and comparing it to the age of pregnancy. The fetal heartbeat is also heard, as well as the position of the fetus inside the abdomen.
  • Performing special tests for this visit (e.g.: urine test using rapid test strips and comprehensive urine test) when needed, a comprehensive blood test, and a blood ferritin level test.
  • The supplements she needs (such as: iron, calcium and vitamin D) are described when needed.
  • She is educated in accordance with this period of pregnancy about good nutrition and breastfeeding, introducing her to the signs that indicate premature birth, listening to her questions and answering them, and setting the next date of 36 weeks.
Sixth visit to primary care center at 36 weeks of gestation:
  • In this visit, the pregnant woman is examined in the same way as in the previous visit, by taking her weight, measuring her blood pressure, asking her about the movement of the fetus, and conducting a clinical examination by measuring the height of the uterus in the abdomen and comparing it to the age of pregnancy. The fetal heartbeat is also heard, as well as the position of the fetus inside the abdomen.
  • Performing tests for this visit (such as: urine examination using rapid test strips and comprehensive urine examination) when needed.
  • The supplements she needs such as iron, calcium and vitamin D are prescribed when needed.
  • She is educated in accordance with this period of pregnancy about the symptoms and signs of childbirth and breastfeeding, their importance, the importance of postpartum follow-ups, family planning methods, and answers to her questions and concerns.
  • She is transferred to hospital to complete the last two follow-ups at 38 and 40 weeks, in preparation for childbirth.

Last Update : 07 June 2023 02:21 PM
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