Women's Health

Insufficient Breast Milk

​​​It is one of the most common reasons for women to stop breastfeeding so that they believe that the infant is not getting enough milk, but this is not a reason to give up breastfeeding, so you must first make sure that the child is not getting enough milk and that is through the doctor who decides that based on the following:

The number of breastfeeding sessions per day, as during the first week of a child's life, the number of breastfeeding sessions is generally from 8 to 12 times a day, and by 4 weeks after birth, the number of breastfeeding sessions becomes from 7-9 times a day.
  • The amount of urine and stools per day. By the fifth day of life, most babies who get enough milk urinate 6-8 times a day and have 3 or more stools per day.
  • Infant weight, where they lose 7% of their postpartum weight in the first 3-5 days of life, but usually return to their weight within 1-2 weeks, they should not continue to lose weight by day 3-5 of life.
When confirming that the breast milk is not enough with the previous signs of the baby, the reason can be any of the following:
  • Insufficient milk production in the mother.
  • The infant's inability to breastfeed properly and obtain milk.
  • A combination of these factors.
Reasons for insufficient milk production in the mother:
  • The common reason is the lack of breastfeeding times; This is because frequent breastfeeding stimulates the breasts to produce milk, and the baby may not breastfeed frequently enough because he is sleepy, separated from his mother, or fed formula which makes him less hungry.
  • The breasts (the milk-producing tissues) do not develop enough during pregnancy.
  • Previous surgery (breast reduction surgery) or breast radiation therapy.
  • A hormonal imbalance in the mother.
  • Taking some medications that interfere with milk production.
The most common reasons for the inability of the infant to extract milk:
Sometimes the infant has difficulty getting milk out of the breast; Even if the milk supply is sufficient because:
  • Inability to latch on effectively or suck well (especially in premature babies)
  • They are fed formula milk in addition to breastfeeding.
  • A medical problem (such as Down syndrome or tongue-tie).
If the infant shows signs of insufficient milk intake; The first step is to get a doctor's evaluation, and it includes:
  • Review any health problems of the mother and infant, in addition to any medications the mother is taking and her medical history (e.g.: breast surgery).
  • Examination of the breasts (fullness, shape and condition of the nipples).xamine the infant for oral abnormalities, signs of dehydration, or an underlying medical problem.
  • - Monitor the breastfeeding session.
  • Use correct breastfeeding techniques, use comfortable positions and help the infant to latch on properly.
  • Good nutrition, adequate rest and drinking enough fluids can help increase milk production.
  • Avoid giving the infant formula or a pacifier for the first six months until breastfeeding is established.
  • Breastfeed him regularly and frequently, according to his age and needs.
  • Ensure calm and relaxation during breastfeeding sessions to facilitate the flow of milk to the infant's mouth.
  • Sometimes, an infant may need formula supplements to make sure they get adequate nutrition; This is after consulting a doctor about whether it is necessary and how to give it safely.
  • It is advised to avoid medicines that increase milk production because it is not clear whether they are effective or safe for the infant.

Last Update : 07 June 2023 02:37 PM
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