Women's Health

Contraceptive Pills

​​​​​Contraceptive pill is the most common way, and it is of two types:

  • Bi-hormonal: contains both progesterone and estrogen.
  • Mono-hormonal: contains progesterone only, and is safe for use during breastfeeding, and does not affect milk production.
How it works:
  • Prevents anovulation (preventing the ovaries from producing an oocyte).
  • Increases density of the cervical mucosa; This makes it difficult for sperm to pass through.
  • Influences the growth of the uterine lining membrane; This prevents the implantation of a fertilized ovum.
Benefits of using it:
Birth control pills make menstrual bleeding more regular, reduce the number of days of flow and the amount of flow in general, and reduce the occurrence of:
  • Menstrual cramps or pain.
  • Risk of ovarian or endometrial cancer.
  • Acne and unwanted hair growth.
  • Iron deficiency anemia, which results from excessive blood loss during the menstrual cycle.
The effectiveness of their use:
In order to maximize the effectiveness of using the pills, you should remember to take them every day, and for optimal use it is better take them at the same time each day. Especially with mono-hormonal pills.​

  • 9 out of 100 (9%) women who use birth control pills are at risk of unintended pregnancy in the first year of use.
  • As for the optimal use of pills (taking the pill at the same time every day); Less than one in 100 women (less than 1%) will experience an unintended pregnancy in the first year.
Usage instructions:
One pill is taken each day after choosing one of the following ways to start:
  • The optimal use of pills means starting from the first day of the menstrual cycle, and during the first five days of it.
  • When taken after the fifth day of menstruation; An additional method of contraception should be used for two days after use, or sexual intercourse should be avoided for two days.
  • 3 weeks after delivery (and for 4-6 weeks after delivery if DVT is a risk factor).
Ways to take it:
  • Bi-hormonal:
  • one pill is taken daily at a specific time until the end of the strip (21 pills), then stop for one week (the week of the menstrual cycle), then start a new strip again with the beginning of the first day of the menstruation.
  • Mono-hormonal: One pill is taken daily at the same time. The strip contains 28 pills. When the strip is finished, another strip is taken in the same way, continuously without stopping.
When you have trouble remembering your pills, you can use an alarm clock or smartphone apps for reminder.

When you miss pills:
  • When you forget a pill, you should take it as soon as possible, and take the next pill at the usual time.
  • When you forget two or more pills, you must take the nearest pill, then skip it and take the other pill at the same time of the day, in addition to using a backup method of contraception alongside the pills (such as: condoms) for seven days.
  • If a pill is missed for more than 3 hours, it should be taken as soon as possible, and a backup method of contraception (such as a condom) should be used for the next two days.
  • When you feel vomiting or severe diarrhea within 3 hours after taking the birth control pill, the body may not absorb the hormone effectively, so you must continue taking the pills, with a backup method of prevention until two days after the vomiting or diarrhea stops.
Side effects:
  • Headache.
  • Feeling nauseous.
  • Breast pain and swelling.
  • Mood changes.
  • Irregular bleeding (spotting).
These symptoms usually improve within two to three months, with continued use of birth control pills.

Because of the increased risk of complications, the pill should not be taken when:
  • 35 years of age or older and a smoker; Where smoking exposes you to cardiovascular complications (such as: blood clots or heart attacks).
  • The possibility of being pregnant.
  • Previous blood clots or stroke.
  • Having a history of previous infection with an estrogen-dependent tumor (such as: breast or uterine cancer).
  • When there is abnormal or unexplained menstrual bleeding (in this case, the cause of the bleeding must be investigated before starting to take birth control pills).
  • Have active liver disease (birth control pills can worsen liver disease).
  • Migraine associated with certain visual symptoms or other neurological symptoms; Which increases the risk of having a stroke.
Warning symptoms of complications:
You should go to the doctor when you feel the following:
  • Abdominal pain or chest pain.
  • Severe headache.
  • Eye problems.
  • Severe leg pain.
These may be symptoms of many serious conditions. including heart attack, blood clot, stroke, and liver or gallbladder disease.

Fertility return:
Simply when a woman wants to get pregnant, she stops taking the pills, and trying to get pregnant can start immediately, as fertility often returns within one to three months of stopping taking the pills. 

Last Update : 07 June 2023 02:31 PM
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