Women's Health

Asthma and the Pregnant

​​​​Effect of pregnancy on asthma:

Asthma symptoms may vary during pregnancy, as it can either improve or worsen, so you should visit a doctor for advice on how to control asthma, and esophageal acid reflux during pregnancy can exacerbate asthma.

Allergy irritants:
  • The dust.
  • Cold air.
  • Respiratory infection (e.g.: cold virus, influenza virus).
  • Air pollution.
  • The smell of smoke.
  • Some types of exercise.
  • Some foods (e.g.: peanuts and shrimp).
When to see a doctor:
  • Using asthma medications more than usual due to frequent attacks.
  • Coughing or wheezing, especially at night
  • Feeling of shortness of breath or chest.
  • Feeling bad despite using the inhaler.
  • Not feeling better after taking 10 sprays
Asthma treatment and pregnancy:
You must not stop taking asthma medication, as most asthma medications are considered safe to use during pregnancy, so you must continue taking prescribed asthma treatments throughout pregnancy, unless the asthma condition worsens, the treatment can remain as before, symptoms may worsen when you stop taking the drug and that leads to a risk to the health of the pregnant woman and increases the risk of low birth weight.

Asthma treatments and breastfeeding:
It is safe to continue any asthma treatment while breastfeeding, as it is important not to neglect health and keep asthma under control.

Management of asthma during pregnancy:
  • Use a preventive inhaler when coughing or cold. Talk to your doctor about using a preventive inhaler in pregnancy.
  • Avoid smoking during pregnancy
  • Avoid asthma triggers that cause allergic reactions (e.g.: pet fur).
  • Control hay fever with antihistamines. Talk to your doctor about which antihistamines are safe to take during pregnancy.
  • Avoid hay fever triggers
  • Continue to exercise and follow a healthy diet
  • Make sure to take the seasonal influenza vaccine.

Last Update : 07 June 2023 02:31 PM
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