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at Ministry of Health GDRS-MOH CCOONNTTEENNTTSS The Minister Message The Director Message Overview Review Board …
Date: 4/22/2021 Size: 7MB

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well-wishers who came to congratulate him for the royal confidence entrusted in him to serve as the minister of health …
Date: 12/11/2014 Size: 27KB

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His Excellency the Minister of Health, as well as the heads of health sectors participating in the Hajj season (those of the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry …
Date: 10/15/2012 Size: 28KB

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Abdul Rahman Al-Jalajel, met with the British Minister of Health, Steve Barclay, while heading the Kingdom’s delegation participating in the joint meetings of the G20 …
Date: 8/20/2023 Size: 27KB

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Within the same vein, the Minister of Health emphasized the significance of the advisory meetings and the interest in its continuity among the MOH's …
Date: 4/17/2014 Size: 30KB

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of Mohammed bin Abdullah Al-Sibaie for the position of consultant at the office of the Minister of Health for one year as of the date of this decision …
Date: 4/12/2011 Size: 27KB

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At noon on Sunday, in the Minister’s office, His Excellency the Minister of Health, Dr. Abdulla Abdul-Aziz Al-Rabeea met with the Ambassador of Turkey, Ahmad Mukhtaar Gown …
Date: 9/3/2013 Size: 27KB

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He remarked that due to the significance of patients' rights, the MOH linked the Patients' Rights Department to the Minister of Health in person; with the aim …
Date: 1/19/2014 Size: 29KB

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The Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, His Royal Highness, the Crown Prince, the Prime Minister, the Ministry of Health, Minister, Eid Al-Adha
Date: 6/29/2023 Size: 27KB

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Abdul Aziz Al Saud, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Defense and Aviation and Inspector General of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia communicates his thanks to the Ministry of Health …
Date: 4/12/2011 Size: 27KB

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Last Update : 06 January 2021 10:00 AM
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