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to extend the period of sales and working hours to prevent congestion, as well as providing the … private sector’s facilities, including commercial centers, restaurants, and cafes, are as …
Date: 11/10/2020 Size: 28KB

and diagnosis in the specialized medical centers … to the standards set out by the National Program and may not be prevented from working … the necessary medical care for any Infected …
Date: 9/22/2021 Size: 323KB

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In his address to the ceremony … The number of working hours has been determined from 7am to 3pm … the vicinity of a number of the main primary health care centers in Riyadh from 8am to 4pm …
Date: 4/1/2012 Size: 29KB

- Working in or attended a healthcare facility where patients with confirmed COVID-19 were … direct care for COVID-19 patients, working with HCWs infected with COVID-19, visiting …
Date: 2/24/2020 Size: 1MB Disease 2019 Guidelines v1.1..pdf

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or other diseases all week days, during working hours, stressing that there is an integral team …
Date: 12/8/2013 Size: 24KB

SaudiMOH Saudi_Moh SaudiMOH 937 MOHPortal SaudiMOH Saudi_Moh SaudiMOH 937 MOHPortal SaudiMOH Saudi_Moh SaudiMOH 937 MOHPortal …
Date: 2/16/2021 Size: 99KB

- April 2018 - v 5.1 Page 1 of 49 … 5.7 MEDICAL WASTE 10 … 5.13 PATIENT TRANSPORTATION AND PREHOSPITAL EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES 14 … The MERS workshop was hosted by the General Directorate of …
Date: 5/21/2018 Size: 2MB Guidelines for Healthcare Professionals - May 2018 - v5.1 (1).pdf

دليل سالمة املرض ى واملنشأة الصحية للمما ر سين الصحيين ملواجهة جائحة كوفيد … وقد تم إعداده بالتنسيق بين املركز السعودي.هذا املستند هو النسخة العربية للدليل الذي أصدره املركز السعودي …
Date: 3/30/2020 Size: 9MB

Web Page
the laboratory of the Health Monitoring Centers at King Abdul-Aziz Airport concerned with … delivered within less than half an hour and then to prepare the results within 6 to 8 hours
Date: 10/3/2014 Size: 29KB

"دعوة الشركات من ذوي الخبرة لتقديم املعلومات املطلوبة ملشروع خدمات الغسيل الكلوي ( " صفحة … يتم تقديم ملف طلب امل علومات من قبل الشركة الراغبة في املشاركة عبر منصة إعتماد … و ز ا ر ة الصحة …
Date: 12/21/2020 Size: 1MB

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Last Update : 06 January 2021 10:00 AM
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