MOH News

Media Information and Health Awareness Center Launches the Summer Health Awareness Program
23 May 2012
   Within the framework of the strenuous efforts exerted by the Ministry of Health (MOH), in its quest to raise people's health awareness, and get them familiarized with the programs offered by the Media Information and Health Awareness Center, the Director of the Center, Ph. Amal bint Mo'awiyah Abul-Jadayel, has pointed out that the Center is about to launch this year's Summer Health Awareness Program on Saturday, May 26th, 2012, till Wednesday, June 13th, 2012. It will hold interviews with a number of high-profile physicians and specialists through the Center's toll-free number: 8002494444, as well as the social networks (@saudimoh), so as to respond to callers and provide apt answers to their questions and requests, as well as providing medical tips on Summer diseases, and how to protect yourself from them.
In the first week of the Summer Health Awareness Program, the Center will be interviewing the Director of Technical Affairs at the Patient Rights and Relations Department, Dr. Fatimah Al-Ja'wan. She will be interviewed on Saturday, May 26th, 2012, from 10 am to 12 pm, to talk about patient rights. On Sunday, May 27th, 2012, from 10 am to 12 pm, the Center will hold its interview with Dr. Ahmed Al-Muhib Al-Abdullah, a senior orthodontist (holding the British Fellowship in Orthodontics). He will tackle the major tooth-decay problems. On Monday, May 28th, 2012, from 10 am to 12 pm, Dr. A'eshah Al-Saghir, a consultant of family and community medicine, and an Advisor to the Home Medicine Program for Training and Development, will shed light on the MOH Home Medicine Program, and how to make best use of it. On the same day, from 1 to 3 pm, the Center will be interviewing Dr. Ahmed Amin Mushakhas, the Director-General of the Immunization Program, to highlight the necessary vaccinations to be taken before traveling.
On Tuesday, May 29th, 2012, from 10 am to 12 pm, the Center will hold an interview with Dr. Sanaa Flimban, the Director of AIDS Program, and Supervisor-General of MOH Immunology Division, to give an account of HIV/AIDS, and how to protect ourselves against it. On the last day of the firs week, the form 10 am to 12 pm, the Center will be interviewing Dr. Umm Al-Khair Abdullah Abul-Khair, an oncologist, to raise people's awareness of breast cancer, colon cancer and rectal cancer.

Last Update : 27 May 2012 08:57 AM
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