MOH News

Eastern Riyadh Specialist Dental Center: 24000+ Dental Outpatients Served
30 April 2018

According to Riyadh Health Affairs, Eastern Riyadh Specialist Dental Center continues providing its therapeutic and preventive services to outpatients. The center provided its services to 24,000 outpatients during the first quarter of this year compared to 15,000 during the same period of last year, a 60% increase. 

The center features a medical training unit to provide advanced training and education services, says the Affairs, pointing out that the center is accredited by the Saudi Commission for Health Specialties (SCHS) as a training center with 32 trainees during the first quarter of this year compared to 18 trainees during the same period of last year, 2017.

"The center provides its consulting and specialist services to advanced cases referred by dental clinics of north and east Riyadh. The services include teeth reformation, dynamic and permanent dentures, nerve and root canal treatment, gum surgery, dental implants and braces and oral surgery", adds the Affairs.

The center features 40 dental clinics enhanced with digital x-ray units, 2 panoramic x-ray units, and a 3D CT scan unit. All these clinics are equipped with central water treatment and purification units, central suction systems and a central sterilization unit in accordance with the highest standards of infection control in health facilities. It also features an oral and maxillofacial unit which is one of the advanced services at specialist dental centers.  

On the other hand, the Ministry of Health (MOH) has launched the Self-Assessment System for Private Healthcare Facilities, which is expected to achieve a significant shift in the dissemination of self-control culture in the private sector; thus, contributing to raising the quality of health services.
According to MOH, the system aims to introduce the standards to be adhered to by the private healthcare institutions, as well as promoting the concept of self-control via an electronic system.

MOH said that it has launched an educational campaign through the social media to acquaint the health institutions with the self-control system's goals and benefits before start using it, and carrying out corrective actions, as well as briefing citizens on MOH's efforts to raise the level of health service quality and patient safety. It pointed out that the new system achieves many benefits, including informing the health institutions about the health requirements and promptly providing updates on them, in addition to measuring commitment to systems and regulations and proposing corrective measures.

 It added that the system will be launched in phases, the first one for hospitals in Riyadh, Jeddah and eastern region followed by hospitals in other regions, then will be launched throughout the year during specified assessment periods. 
The system comes as an extension of the health service e-platform project which aims to unify all public and private sectors' e-services under the umbrella of a reliable and integrated electronic portal (the e-platform for health services).

Last Update : 22 May 2018 12:56 PM
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