MOH News

King Abdullah Hospital-Bisha: Successful Resection of Liver Tumor from a 2-Day-Old Baby
22 March 2018

By Allah’s Grace, the pediatric surgery team of King Abdullah Hospital-Bisha has successfully resected a liver tumor from a two-day-old baby. According to Bisha Health Affairs, the baby was referred from Rania Hospital while suffering from breathing problems. After due medical examination and MRI scan, he was diagnosed with a liver tumor pressing on the diaphragm. Thus, the medical team decided to conduct an immediate surgery, whereby it successfully resected the 14cm tumor. Then, the baby was referred to the Neonatal Unit, where he was hospitalized for a week. By monitoring his condition, the biopsy test showed complete tumor removal, and no need for additional chemotherapy. The patient was discharged from the hospital in a good health.

It is worth mentioning that King Abdullah Hospital - Bisha is the first reference hospital in the region, serving the residents of Bisha, Bilqarn, Rania and Tathleeth. It features a 365-bed capacity and provides all medical specialties. Over the past year, the hospital conducted 6,628 surgeries, and served 17,162 inpatients and 215,322 outpatients, including 133,659 emergencies and 81,663 cases at outpatient clinics.

On the other hand, the Ministry of Health (MOH) has increased cardiac diagnosis of the newborn from 20% to 90% during 2017. In its 2017 achievements report, MOH stated that this process has helped early detect cases with congenital heart disease (CHD), treat them in initial phases, improve the health of cardiac children, and reduce the burden and economic cost for both patients and the state. To do so, MOH has boosted the efficiency of the medical teams in Newborn Units through continuous training, policies and guidelines, as well as new indicators that help monitor performance.

Likewise, MOH has increased the hearing diagnosis of the newborn from 17% to 89%. By Allah’s Grace, this has helped early detect cases of hearing defects, treat them in their initial stages; thus, enabling the newborn to enjoy a normal life free from hearing impairments.

Last Update : 26 March 2018 03:06 PM
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