MOH News

MOH Organizes a Scientific Seminar on World AIDS Day
01 December 2017
In parallel with the World AIDS Day, under the patronage of H.E. the Health Minister Dr. Tawfiq Al Rabiah, the Ministry of Health (MOH) is organizing on Sunday 15/03/1439H. a scientific seminar on the World AIDS Day, with the theme "Consult, Diagnose, Relax). The seminar is designed to discuss the latest global development on HIV/AIDS, intensive early diagnosis mechanisms, infection detection, access to preventive and therapeutic services, as well as extensive therapeutic coverage. The event brings together local and foreign experts and specialists, in addition WHO representative; to share expertise, take the best effective scientific interventions to secure the desired objectives.

It is noted that since 1988, the World AIDS Day is celebrated annually on the first of December, to raise awareness attract attention to HIV/AIDS, its social, developmental and health consequences, and to remember the sufferings of those living with HIV/AIDS, its victims and their families. This is also a local and global event to activate and intensify anti-AIDS preventive and therapeutic programs and activities. Governments, health sectors, voluntary organizations, in addition to other AIDS-concerned sectors have consistently celebrated this day through a series of scientific, educational, and media programs to brief the public on the disease, the adopted strategies and interventions to prevent it, and to reduce its impact on individuals and communities.


Last Update : 10 December 2017 09:08 AM
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