MOH News

Tabarjal Hospital: Preemie Successfully Saved
02 November 2017
By Allah's Grace, the neonatal division of Tabarjal Hospital has successfully saved a seven-months preemie girl born through an intensive care and follow up program. The 570gm premature baby was the smallest newborn known to the region. Now, following an intensive care program, she weighs 5kg,

According to Al-Jouf Health Affairs, the baby was born on the 24th week weighing 570gm only. 112 day later, she was discharged from the hospital's incubator weighing 1900gm, an in good health without any complications. Earlier the mother was brought to the hospital with a 24-weeks-pregnancy and suffering from hemorrhage. After due medical checkups, she was diagnosed with a premature child birth. She was put on the ECMO and injected with surfactant to support  the baby's lung function, followed by a c-section. She received all due care, solutions, antibiotics, cardiac tests, brain and abdomen ultrasonic screening, as well as retina checkup.

After discharged, the baby was received routine follow-up, to ensure her natural mobile and mental growth. Now, she is 4 months and twenty days old, and weighns 5km. Tabarjal General Hospital prides 99,5% of early cardiac and hearing screening for premature babies over the past months. Also, 8 preemies weighing less than 1kg have been discharged so far.

It is noted that the Ministry of Health (MOH) is currently implementing MOH's Performance Program, which aims to boost productivity, performance quality and efficiency of health services in hospitals. The program is in line with the National Transformation Program 2020 towards achieving the Saudi Vision 2030. The program covers 70 hospitals and features over 40 indicators to measure the performance of seven key therapeutic aspects, which have positively reduced the waiting times.


Last Update : 05 November 2017 09:05 AM
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