MOH News

34 Health Centers for Serving Pilgrims in Mina during the Tashriq Days
14 October 2013
The 34 MOH health centers in Mina has set completely ready for receiving diseased patients as of the hailing of over two million pilgrims to the Mount Arafat, and staying for three days (known as the Tashriq Days) at Mina to perform the stoning rite.
This announcement has been made by the director of primary health care centers in Mina, the consult physician of family and community medicine, Dr. Amin Mohamed al-Mahdi.
He pointed out that all such centers have been supplied with the calibers they needed (physicians, nurses, pharmacists, technicians and administrative staff), whose number is about 1000, most of whom work under the health cadre, working around the clock, to receive those of pilgrims who are patients, along with the provision of all type of medications and equipment; in an effort to provide the best possible medical services for the 'guests of Allah' (pilgrims).
While providing medical services, we pay close attention to those at the camps besetting the health centers, seeking to efficiently provide health services in them. Meanwhile, he reiterated the importance of such centers, which serve as the instant juncture between the patient and physician, and through which diagnostic and therapeutic services are provided.
The number of pilgrims received by the health centers in Mina is on the increase. For example, in 1431H, these centers received 212.439 pilgrims, whereas, in the last year (1433H), it increased to reach 280.453 pilgrims, by an increase of 32%.
Dr. al-Mahdi has reaffirmed that these centers, especially over the few past years, have taken into account satisfying the health care quality assurance standards, making the patient it basic concern, whose safety stand out as the first and foremost priority.
Certain practices have been adopted, paying closer attention to the cleanliness of hands to prevention infection transmission, and the safe use of drugs, injections, etc. That is to be added to developing the skills and knowledge of those working at these hospitals.
According to Dr. al-Mahdi, training courses have been recently held for workers at the 34 health centers; which have added much to workers' concentration on the patient pilgrim, his health and safety, and providing safe medical services for him on both the short and long terms.

Last Update : 24 October 2013 07:27 AM
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