MOH News

Health Ministers Laud the Saudi Arabia's Efforts in Keeping the Hajj Performers' Health and Safety
14 October 2013
A number of health ministers, participating in the second world conference for the Mass Gathering Medicine, organized by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, commended the health preventive procedures, taken by the Kingdom; with the aim of  maintaining the Hajj performers' health during the Umrah and Hajj seasons.

To that effect, the Bahraini health minister Sadeq bin Abdul Karim Al Shehabi praised the health requirements and procedures, delivered by the Saudi Arabia for the health safety of this year's Hajj performers.

He went on to point out that no CoronaVirus cases have been registered among his compatriots during the last months of this year's Umrah season.
This is evidenced through the follow-up processes made by the Bahraini health authorities for those who performed the Umrah rites, and the tests conducted to several samples taken from them in a scientifically-based methods.

He further noted that the Bahraini Health Ministry benefitted from what it did during the last months in face of the likelihood of the emergence of CoronaVirus incidences.
Thus, it made wide-scale preparations for this year's Hajj season; that's to say, it worked on raising the health awareness, especially among the elderly, and those suffering from chronic diseases.
This is on the Saudi Arabia's advice for them not to perform this year's Hajj rituals; namely, those with respiratory and kidney diseases.
He also spoke well of the Saudi efforts and procedures in combating the CoronaVirus well as its organizing of the second conference for the Mass Gathering Medicine, which he regards as recently-introduced medicine in need of being familiarized and spread among community segments.
Similarly, he remarked that we should extend thanks to the Saudi Arabia for these efforts and procedures on which exorbitant sums were spent.
They included dealing with a host of research institutes, and inviting many experts as they are well-versed in this virus and its implications.

As regards the Yemeni Health Minister, Dr. Ahmed Qassem AL-Ansi, he noted that no Yemeni Umrah performers got infected with the CoronaVirus while performing the Umrah rites during the last months; let alone the Yemeni visitors to the Saudi Arabia.
As such, no reports from any hospital or health center in Yemen show otherwise among the Umrah performers during this year's Umrah season, or the Yemeni visitors to the Saudi Arabia.
He further affirmed that his country conducts permanent monitoring; in order to fight that virus.
He also extended his congratulations to the Government of the Saudi Arabia, under the leadership of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, and its people on the medical achievements and quantum leap that were brought about during the past years on the field of the health services such as going up the modern medical cities and providing the new and rare medical specialties.

In the meantime, he regards the Saudi Arabia's procedures in terms of combating this virus and others as tight and effective ones.
He went on to remark that fortunately, this virus was discovered in the Saudi Arabia and was kept in check in it; and its spread was greatly held back.
A thing was recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO) due to the Saudi Arabia's great capabilities. He also added that if this virus had emerged in some other place, its harm would have greatly doubled due to the dearth of its detecting capabilities and lack of experience in dealing with it.
Within the same context, he lauded the Saudi Arabia's organizing for the second conference of the Mass Gathering Medicine, noting that the conference and its topics are thoroughly Saudi idea. And he praised its naming as a Mecca for research and training on this field of medicine; through its establishing for the International Mass Gathering Medicine Center.
What's more? The Indonesian Deputy Health Minister, Dr.  Ali Ghufron showered his praise upon the health preventive procedures and requirements taken by the Saudi Ministry of Health (MOH); to make this year's Hajj disease-free, namely the infectious ones.
He also added that these procedures go in the right direction, and are correct and effective. It is also keen on providing health tips for the countries from which the Umrah and Hajj performers come for their health safety; especially, in relation to the CoronaVirus for which no vaccine has been made so far.

All the same, he affirmed that two hundred thousand Umrah performers flew from his country to perform this year's Umrah season.
All the same, after returning their country, no health report released showing that any of them caught the CoronaVirus. All the more, they were instructed to report the nearest health center when developing any unusual symptoms after returning home.

Within the same vein, he commended the Saudi Arabia's efforts in playing a host to the Mass Gathering Medicine conference, and he sees that setting up the International Mass Gathering Medicine Center in the Saudi Arabia, and regarding it as a reference center for this type of medicine as recognition of its experience and distinction in this field.

Last Update : 23 October 2013 11:34 AM
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