MOH News

Medical Tips for Pregnant Women Willing to Perform Pilgrimage
13 October 2013
The MOH Media Information and Health Awareness Center has advised women willing to perform pilgrimage to consult their doctors an adequate period before setting out for Hajj, in order to get updated with the preventive developments and the needed vaccinations.
And in case the doctor endorses pilgrimage, the woman should carry around a small card containing information about her health situation, her medications, the diet she follows, and the foods she should avoid.
She should also prepare the medical kit that will contain the prescribed drugs and medical tools.
Those suffering from such chronic diseases as diabetes, asthma, heart and kidney diseases should make sure they have taken adequate quantities of the needed medications.
According to the center, the pregnant woman willing to perform pilgrimage will have to wear cotton, loose and comfortable clothes.
She should also avoid high-heel shoes, and take some sleep and comfort, as well as avoid exhaustion, and walk for a short while every now and then to avoid venous thromboses in legs.
Besides, she should keep away from congested places, and choose appropriate timings to perform the Hajj rites.
It is also important to note that the safe period during which the pregnant woman can travel for Hajj ranges from the 18th to 24th week of pregnancy; given the pregnant woman is prone to abortion or premature delivery.
The center has also provided important medical tips for women taking anti-menstrual pills: the woman should take these pills daily, and if she vomits immediately after taking the pill, she will have to take another pill instantly.
Women should be familiar with the side effects of these pills, including: vomiting, nausea, headache, sporadic bleeding, menstrual pain, in addition to breast pain, changes in mood, and losing temper.
Mild symptoms could also be annoying, and may prevent women from performing the Hajj rites soundly.
So, they will have to avoid such symptoms by balanced diet, with all nutrients contained, and in sufficient quantities. This means they will have to maintain the main nutrients: proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals, and water, both during and prior to Hajj. That is to be added to scheduling meals and making sure not to neglect any meal, meanwhile taking into account moderation, and avoiding having too much food, coffee or tea.
This is such a crucial tip to be kept in mind during Hajj.
Over and above, the center has reiterated hygiene, generally deemed to be pivotal for maintaining health, insomuch as Islam has regarded it as a 'half' of faith; our Prophet Mohamed, peace by upon him, said, “Purity is half of faith”.
Accordingly, the center advised women to adhere to personal hygiene (bathing, washing hands before eating and after defecating, thus protecting themselves from diseases, Allah willing.  

Last Update : 27 October 2013 04:28 PM
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