MOH News

MOH Underscores Embracing the Culture of Quality in All Services
29 January 2013
   The Ministry of Health (MOH) stresses on the importance of adopting the culture of quality in all its services, and focuses on training and educating health service providers. Thus, their training contributes to upgrading the health work environment, advancing the level of health service performance, which in turn reflects positively on the service of patients and gaining their satisfaction. Within this framework, the Ministry of Health (MOH) announced opening the field of internal scholarship for supportive health service providers to obtain a bachelor degree through the Bridging program (Tajseer), as of 1434-1435H academic year, according to the terms and regulations stated on  the decision of Training and Scholarship Committee at the Ministry of Civil Service.
   In the meantime, Dr. Khalid bin Mohammad Marghalani, the MOH Spokesman, affirmed that the Ministry of Health (MOH) called on all its health facilities to inform the health practitioners, and nominate whoever meets the terms and regulations; making sure to give priority for those working at hospitals, then making the opportunity available to those working at the health centers, directorates, and the MOH Headquarters in two years.
   He went on to make clear that the regulations of the internal scholarships included determining nomination percentage at the medical and health facilities on the same specialty of the hospital; to the effect that the percentage of nominees from the medical facility does not exceed 10% of the 200-bed capacity hospital's staff, and 20% of the 500-bed capacity hospital.
   Further, Dr. Marghalani pointed out that the opportunity of completing study to obtain a bachelor's degree through the Bridging program (Tajseer) provided opening the field for the health practitioners for study at the governmental colleges and universities without tuition fees. It also included the regulations: submitting all naming applications to the concerned department in the MOH's headquarters through the health affairs general directorates before the start of the study by at least four months. This is in order to have them considered and set a mechanism for naming nominees.
   Within the same vein, Dr. Marghalani pointed out that the Ministry of Health (MOH) has tasked the training and scholarship departments with completing the preference nomination rationale, and verifying that each nominee has obtained 55 points upwards of the preference points, having them filled by the work place, then submitting them to the Training Committee of the directorate; to make sure that the nominee practices the same specialty meant for Bridging program (Tajseer).
   It is worth mentioning that the concerned departments in the MOH's headquarters grant whoever is named an admission-considering letter meant for the admission and enrollment deanship of the university which its program meets the work requirements in the Ministry of Health. And the applications of those named are sent to the Training and Scholarship General Department; to finish the administrative procedures regularly followed; bearing in mind that the preference points are summed up with regard to the job performance and service evaluation, at least two years; having TOEFL score or its equivalent is a must, and participating in organizing courses in the Ministry of Health.

Last Update : 30 January 2013 09:32 AM
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