MOH News

Supervisor of the Immunity Division Interviewed at the Summer Health Awareness Program
28 May 2012
   Within the framework of the Summer Health Awareness Program, presented by the MOH Media Information and Health Awareness Center, the center continues to interview a constellation of the renowned physicians and specialists. Tomorrow, May 29th, 2012, the center will have Dr. Sanaa Flimban, the Director of AIDS Program, and the Supervisor of the Immunity Division. From 10 am to 12 pm, she will be available at the Center's toll-free number: 8002494444.
Dr. Flimban will shed light on HIV/AIDS, which has become one of the commonest and most threatening diseases around the world. She will explain the causes of the disease, and the strenuous efforts made by the Kingdom to control it by way of early detection, open more examination and counsel clinics, provide proper treatment and protection, and raise people's awareness of the unhealthy behaviors triggering AIDS. She will also point out how the society could take part in the eradication and prevention of the disease, and explain the MOH's role, as manifested in the National AIDS Program, in the promotion of people's health by protecting them against sexually transmitted diseases in general, and AIDS in particular.
It should be note, in this respect, that the World Health Organization (WHO) has commended the Kingdom's efforts exerted in the field of AIDS control, and developing professional certain mechanisms to prevent the prevalence of the disease, and maintain its low incidence. According to WHO, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, compared to the world's average AIDS incidence, is categorized as one of the countries with very low epidemiological incidence.

Last Update : 28 May 2012 03:52 PM
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