MOH News

Minister of Health Approves Punitive Actions Against Non-Compliant Health Institutions
   His Excellency the Minister of Health, Dr. Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al-Rabeeah, has approved punitive actions, imposed over the past month by the Ministry of Health (MOH) through its competent committees in health affairs directorates, against a number of private health institutions. These decisions have been studied and audited by the MOH's Legal Department. Sanctions range from financial penalties to close warnings and withdrawal of licenses of a number of private health institutions (73 pharmacies, 22 medical warehouses, 37 hospitals and 34 dispensaries).
This decision comes in line with the MOH's former announcement that it would publish the sanctions resolutions issued against private hospitals, dispensaries and pharmaceutical facilities by the committees assigned to consider the violations of the Saudi Private Health Institutions Code. These resolutions, once final, are put into effect. Meanwhile, the Ministry has reaffirmed its compliance with the principle of transparency, and adherence to the enforcement of these sanctions in a way that guarantees the rights of all parties, in concordance with rules and regulations. The total fines and financial penalties have mounted to a sum of SR 3.539.900, out of which Jeddah province had the largest share (SR 1.375.000), followed by Madinah Region (SR 551.000), and then the Eastern Province (537.900).
As for the punitive actions taken against non-compliant health institutions, it was as follows: 267 fines, 8 warnings, closing 5 institutions and withdrawing 4 licenses. Jeddah Province ranked first the number of violations (41 violations), followed by the Eastern Province (37 violations), and then Riyadh (36 violations).
The number of non-compliant owners in the Kingdom's regions and provinces is 81 owners, in addition to 29 pharmacists, 68 physicians of both genders, 32 nurses of both genders, 7 specialists of both genders, 7 workers/ expatriates and 10 technicians of both genders.
It is worth mentioning that the Ministry will continue to intensify its follow-up efforts at all private health facilities, and enforce procedures firmly with all those proven to be non-compliant, especially the employment of health cadres (physicians, nurses and technicians), inasmuch as the imminent danger posed by such violations to patients' health, and the bad effect on the quality of services provided.
Inspection tours will continue over the upcoming period, and all violations will be declared frankly, whether these violations are related to the service quality, level of medical equipment, safety and security, or waste disposal standards, as well as the violations of the procedures related to the licensing of the operation of health facilities, as well as the practice of medical work.
In this context, the Ministry has called upon the owners of such facilities to comply with the accredited codes and regulations, seeking to maintain patients' health, and to avoid financial penalties, or any other punitive actions, that could amount to closing the facility. The Ministry made clear, also, that it is resolute on publishing such resolutions, once final, and defaming non-compliant institutions.
Furthermore, the Ministry stressed that it will take the proper legal actions, including precautionary close, against any health institution proven to be non-compliant with the required quality standards of health services. In doing so, the Ministry aims to oblige these institutions to improve their circumstances and amend all defects, according to what is stipulated in the legal procedures.
In conclusion of its announcement, the Ministry emphasized that it looks upon the private health sector as a strategic partner, playing a crucial role in health development. In the meantime, it hopes that the private health sector will comply with the accepted quality standards, so as to provide safe and secure health services to our citizens, concordant with the MOH's responsibility and aspirations. Health service providers have to offer best-quality patient-centered services, fulfilling the world's highest standards, and putting into action the MOH's slogan: “Patient First”.
To view the statistical data recorded by regions' medical violations committees (available only in Arabic), click here.

Last Update : 25 March 2012 03:32 PM
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