MOH News

Najran: 315 Volunteers Participate in Ramadan Initiatives
12 April 2022

​According to Najran Health Affairs, 315 volunteers have participated in the different initiatives implemented by the Affairs since the beginning of Ramadan, with 21 volunteer opportunities.​

The initiatives include “Your Medication in Ramadan” and “Healthy Fasting” at mosques on early detection of diabetes; as well as an antismoking initiative and “Reward and Safety” to provide Ramadan’s breakfast to visitors and inpatients at emergency departments and the initiative titled “No for Family Violence”. The Affairs’ initiatives also include blood donation campaigns and many other awareness initiatives organized during the holy month of Ramadan with the aim of enhancing the volunteering tendencies among its staff. 

It is to be noted that the Affairs has organized the initiative “Najran Calls You”, Prince Galway bin Abdulaziz prize in its second edition last year. The initiative aims at spreading the culture of volunteering, with the participation of 3,000 volunteers, including students (males and females), health and administrative cadres from different sectors to serve 300,000 beneficiaries in Najran region. 

Last Update : 17 April 2022 11:36 AM
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