MOH News

The Eastern Region Conducts Awareness-Raising Activities on Smoking Harmful Effects
27 June 2021

​​According to the Eastern Region Health Affairs, the Anti-Smoking Program has conducted various activities and events to raise the public awareness of the harmful health effects of smoking. The activities featured over 400 field tours and more than 210 health tours, as well as distributing warning leaflets​. The program also organized more than 14 training programs for different ministries and authorities, 12 events, in addition to two lectures on harmful health effects of smoking.

It is noted that these activities come to mark the World No Tobacco Day, and to contribute to protecting current and future generations, not only against the harmful health effects of tobacco consumption; but also against the social, environmental, and economic harms caused by tobacco consumption and second-hand smoking.

Last Update : 28 June 2021 02:37 PM
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