MOH News

MOH: Remarkable Increase Seen in Confirmed COVID-19 Cases Curve
25 April 2021

MOH spokesman, Dr. Mohammad Al-Abdulaali, said that we are noticing an increase in the curve of the positive COVID-19 cases. There may be a fluctuation at the current stage, however, we are constantly following up that curve, he said, stressing the need to adhere to preventive measures to contain the pandemic and limit its spread.  We are also witnessing an increase in the number of critical cases during the current period. He underlined the importance of home isolation for COVID-19 patients and those who have been in close contact with a confirmed case. 

Al-Abdulaali said that studies have confirmed that diabetics are at high risk when exposed to the virus and urged them to get the vaccine as quickly as possible. The studies have also shown that the vaccines are safe and effective for pregnant women and they can get the jab at all stages of pregnancy.

He said 8,139,273 COVID-19 vaccine doses have been received through more than 590 vaccination centers across the Kingdom. He confirmed the availability of vaccination appointments. Moreover, individuals over the age of 75 will be considered a top priority, without the need to book an appointment. He stressed the importance of adhering to vaccine appointments and called on everyone to hurry up and register to receive the jab through “Sehaty” app.

According to Al-Abdulaali, 953 new confirmed cases of COVID-19 have been reported in the Kingdom, bringing the total number to 412,216 confirmed cases, including 9,759 active cases, receiving the necessary medical care. Of these, there are 1,246 critical cases, while the health condition of the rest is stable.

During the press conference he held today (Sunday), he revealed that 1,028 new recoveries have been recorded, bringing the total number to 395,557 recoveries. Also, 13 new deaths have been reported; raising the death toll to 6,900. Health services are still provided through all centers and facilities of MOH. Ta’akad centers have conducted 9,252,021 swabs, and ‘Tetamman’ clinics have provided their services to 2,435,240 outpatients. They have also provided health and medical consultations to 33,953,992 beneficiaries through the (937) center. Furthermore, the total number of lab tests in the Kingdom reached 16,596,188, he added.

Last Update : 27 April 2021 12:07 AM
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