MOH News

Al-Jouf: 11,000 Beneficiaries of Endocrine & Diabetes Center
07 July 2020

According to Al-Jouf Health Affairs, the Endocrine & Diabetes Center provides its health, educational and therapeutic services to 11,000 beneficiaries, through specialized clinics enhanced with physicians, specialists and technicians. 

Over the past three months, the center received more than 2,759 patients at the diabetes, endocrine, nutrition, gestational diabetes and diabetic foot virtual clinics. The services are provided through 10 clinics: triage, adult endocrinology, pediatric diabetes, pediatric endocrinology, type 2 diabetes, gestational diabetes, nutrition, diabetic foot, social worker and psychologist clinics. In addition, the center includes health education section, which educates patients on insulin usage, insulin types, using gauges and disease complications such as sudden drop in blood sugar level. Also, the center has recorded 217 new cases and provided them with a treatment plan supervised by the center’s medical staff during the same period.

Furthermore, the center provides a number of additional services to 250 patients, including blood glucose meters (without tingling), nutritional programs, and awareness and education publications on the disease. 

The medical services also include medical care for children with type 1 diabetes, treating them with insulin injection and nutrition education program for the patients and their families.
It is n noteworthy that the center features other specialized services such as: ophthalmologist, social worker, and psychologist. The center's medical team works in accordance with the latest international medical recommendations.

Last Update : 22 July 2020 11:29 AM
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