MOH News

​ MOH: (Tetamman) Smart Bracelet a Must for Citizens Returning from Abroad
22 May 2020
​The Ministry of Health (MOH) announced that all citizens returning from abroad will be provided with bracelets linked with Rest Assured (Tetamman)​ App. The new measure aims to direct the returnees to home isolation instead of quarantine facilities with a daily follow-up for their health, adding that the ministry will directly communicate with them via (Tetamman)​ App.

MOH​ will communicate with them daily to ensure that they are committed to the instructions, and in the event of non-compliance they will be penalized. It pointed out that such a measure is in line with the medical practices and WHO recommendations. 

MOH reiterated that anyone who has symptoms or wants an assessment can use the self-assessment service on «Mawid»​ App. and can also inquire or seek advice by calling the 937 Call Center, available 24/7. The call center is now made closer to everyone than ever. Everyone can also benefit from its interactive services through WhatsApp application on the number 920005937. They can have access to health information and updates on COVID-19. The service also provides users with information on blood donation and primary health care centers (PHCs). Besides, it enables them to reserve appointments.

Last Update : 10 June 2020 06:08 PM
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