MOH News

MOH: Mawid Service Available Free of Charge
24 April 2020

​The ministry of Health (MOH), in cooperation with the Communication and Information Technology Commission (CITC), has announced that the “Mawid” Service is now available free of charge without consuming data whether via an app or website. The beneficiary can use the self-assessment tool to check his health in relation to the novel coronavirus symptoms. MOH has called on the private sector companies to urge their employees to access the “Mawid” Service to ensure their safety via the self-assessment tool.​

Underlining the importance of the service, MOH stressed that it is available for all whether citizens or residents, in Arabic and English. The self-assessment can be performed daily to check your health and for those around you to ensure their safety.

It is to be noted that the self-assessment comes in continuation of the precautionary measures and awareness initiatives to combat the Coronavirus and curb its spread in order to maintain the health and safety of citizens and residents.  

Last Update : 26 April 2020 11:51 AM
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