MOH has issued a comprehensive guide on COVID-19 preventive measures for Saudi citizens flying back to KSA. This step comes within the framework of the precautionary measures taken by MOH to protect Saudis from the novel Coronavirus and limit its spread. The comprehensive guide aims to keep citizens safe during their trips to KSA. In this respect, MOH posted an infographic on its Twitter account and its awareness platform “Live Well”. In this infographic, MOH explained that arrivals from abroad must stay home, avoid mixing with others, and not go out except for crucial necessities. These necessities could include buying medications or food. They must also wash their hands with water and soap, or use alcohol-based sanitizers.
Individuals who show symptoms like a fever, a cough, or shortness of breath must isolate themselves somewhere with good ventilation and wear face masks. This is especially necessary if an individual lives with a group of people in the same place. Individuals who suspect an infection must use their own personal tools and make sure to leave a distance of at least one and a half meters when dealing with others. It is also necessary to stay away from individuals who show symptoms of respiratory diseases, such as coughing or sneezing. It is also preferred to avoid using money and opt for bank cards instead. Moreover, touching other people’s tools should be avoided.
MOH warned against wearing face masks unless the person wearing it has a respiratory disease or looks after someone who has one. Individuals who use face masks must be aware of the correct way of wearing and disposing of them.
The novel Coronavirus has not been proven to be transmitted through the air. It is transmitted by droplets resulting from sneezing or coughing. It can also be transmitted through touching contaminated hands and surfaces.
MOH advised against sharing personal tools on airplanes, such as bed sheets, pillows, and seat tables. It is also crucial that passengers leave a safe distance of one and a half meters between one another. Keeping clean hands before and after eating is necessary.
Other safety measures include staying away from places with large gatherings, covering the mouth and nose with a tissue when sneezing or coughing, and disposing of the used tissue correctly.
MOH’s recommendations included drinking enough liquids. In the case of having children around, parents must make sure the safety instructions are applied to them correctly. It is best to avoid handshakes and physical communication. Additionally, it is necessary to leave a safe distance of at least one and a half meters during passport inspection at airports. Anyone who has symptoms like coughing, sneezing, or shortness of breath must report this to officials.
Click here to see the guide