MOH News

Najran: 229,000 Persons Screened by Visual Triage Stations
06 April 2020

​As part of its precautionary measures to contain COVID-19, Najran Health Affairs has set up visual triage stations at the region’s entry points and in front of King Khaled Hospital. So far, 229,181 persons have been screened. ​

According to the Affairs, the visual triage stations come in line with the precautionary measures to detect risk factors, to refer suspected cases to health facilities, to educate citizens and residents on the proper ways to use sanitizers, washing hands, keeping safe distance from others, avoiding gatherings and calling 937 services center for any inquiries. 
The Affairs has intensified the precautionary measures through activating the visual triage at all health facilities, preparations of isolation rooms and ambulatory transport, providing medical supplies, personal protection tools and sanitizers. The measures also include setting up mobile visual triage stations at food markets, conducting inspection visits of expatriate workers' homes to ensure their safety, and evaluate the health measures taken in their homes to curb the spread of COVID-19.

Last Update : 07 April 2020 12:33 PM
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