MOH News

Ministers of Commerce and Communication Laud Efforts by National Health Emergency Operations Center
11 March 2020

​Ministers of Commerce and Acting Minister of Information, Dr. Majed Al Qasabi and Minister of Communications and Information Technology, Eng.  Abdullah Al-Swaha visited today MOH's National Health Emergency Operations Center (NHEOC) in Riyadh and got acquainted with the efforts exerted to contain the novel coronavirus and curb its spread.​

They expressed their admiration for the center's level of preparedness, national competencies, and medical and technical capabilities.  
They extended their thanks and appreciation to the national health staff in charge of the center and praised their efforts for the sake of the country.  

Al-Qasbi and Al-Swaha said that their ministries are ready to provide all means of information, technical and digital support to enable the center to carry out its vital functions perfectly, particularly during such extraordinary circumstances.  

The Center oversees, monitors and follows up all health incidents that affect the health of individuals, and may cause collective losses. Such incidents might be epidemic outbreaks, fire accidents or human accidents. 

The Center is reckoned as a point of connection with the health affairs directors at all Kingdom regions, NHEOC is linked to all hospitals, healthcare centers and other health sectors, both public and private. The Center is directly linked with 20 healthcare centers across the Kingdom. 

The 20 centers oversee public and private hospitals in each region, and handles emergencies and refer them to the NHEOC if the need arises towards achieving the third objective of the Saudi 2030 Vision: reducing health risks. 

Last Update : 24 March 2020 10:09 AM
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