MOH News

Minister of Health: No New Coronavirus Cases Reported in the Kingdom
26 January 2020

​​The Minister of Health, Dr. Tawfiq Al-Rabiah, revealed that the Ministry of Health (MOH) has implemented a multitude of vigorous precautionary measures to address the spread of the new variant of coronavirus (called: 2019-nCoV). As part of its preventive strategy, MOH has tightened surveillance and monitoring at all points of entry into the Kingdom. In coordination with the General Authority of Civil Aviation (GACA), a list of the direct and transit flights coming from China is being prepared. Besides, the medical crews at health surveillance centers examine all passengers coming from China and measure their vital signs.​

Al-Rabiah reiterated that, to date, no 2019-nCoV cases have been reported in the Kingdom—thanks be to Allah! He pointed out that the new virus is transmitted from human to human by droplets, and that no infections—of this virus or otherwise viruses—have been attributed to contact with goods.

The Minister mentioned that the National Center for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC) has prepared health guidelines for how to deal with suspected cases. It has also specified the necessary laboratory tests, and the method to be followed for collecting samples and sending them to the CDC National Laboratory. Besides, it has released guidelines for the passengers heading to the regions stricken by the disease.

The Ministry’s Command and Control Center (CCC) has leapt into action since the virus was first detected in China, said Dr. Al-Rabiah. The Center has taken several precautionary measures, applied the internationally approved health regulations applicable in such cases, and worked hand-in-hand with all relevant authorities. To address and combat the disease, CCC has closely followed the epidemiological situation, by reaching out to the WHO and other organizations of relevance. It has also coordinated with the GACA to monitor the direct and transit flights to and from China. By doing so, the Center seeks to collect information about the persons traveling to, or coming from, the regions where 2019-nCoV cases have been reported, in order to apply a health assessment on them at the points of entry into the Kingdom, and subsequently keep them under observation to make sure that they have not been infected.

Earlier, CCC made clear that the common 2019-nCoV symptoms include acute respiratory symptoms, such as fever, cough, and shortness of breath. In severer cases, serious symptoms, such as pneumonia and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), may develop.

Last Update : 28 January 2020 02:26 PM
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