MOH News

Hail: Over 30,000 Emergencies Served by Mawqiq Hospital Last Year
28 March 2019

According to Hail Health Affairs, over the past year (1439H.), Mawqiq Hospital served 30,755 emergencies, 9,591 outpatients, 272 inpatients. “The hospital also performed 33 dialysis sessions, two surgeries, 60 birth cases, 54,872 lab tests, 3,108 radiology examinations, and 162 physiotherapy sessions,” stated the Affairs.

It is worth mentioning that Hail Health Affairs is seeking to improve the hospital departments, as it has recently launched an anti-smoking clinic, a nutrition clinic, a patient service office, a rehabilitation and physiotherapy unit, and a central sterilization unit at the hospital. This will be reflected on the level of health services provided to patients, and will, in turn, enhance the hospital capabilities to achieve its mission, in terms of receiving all cases with the best medical and technical equipment and qualified staff, in line with the highest standards.

Last Update : 03 April 2019 10:13 AM
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