MOH News

MOH: «#10 Days_Remaining» for Participations in the Awareness Award «Wa3i»
31 January 2019

​​​According to the Ministry of Health (MOH), participations in the Awareness Award «Wa3i» in its second season will be closed within 10 days. “This season’s award has five categories, namely: short film, photography, infographic, motion graphics, and one category for Saudi schools”, stated MOH.

MOH said that participation is open for all citizens and residents in GCC states and Yemen, calling on all health stakeholders to participate via "#10 days_remaining" by suggesting health issues that contribute to raising community awareness. It also called on specialists to provide their technical advises for improving the standard of submitted participations.
It is noteworthy that over 50 winners will be awarded cash prizes of more than SR 1, 000, 000”, and the grand prize will be SR 150.000. In addition, 3 awards will be granted to the best participations, who win the public voting scheduled to be conducted on 15th-22nd March, 2019. 

It is worth mentioning that participations will be received until Feb. 10th, 2019 on the Award website​. The award, organized by MOH in partnership with the Health Council of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), aims to promote the community’s health awareness, capitalize on youths’ potentials, and boost health awareness among community members in the GCC states and Yemen.

Last Update : 07 February 2019 11:18 AM
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