MOH News

Eastern Region Health Affairs to Monitor Smokers at Health Facilities Next Week
27 September 2018

​As an initiative to commence the National Tobacco Control Committee's (NTCC) tasks early next week, the Eastern Region Health Affairs has placed anti-smoking warning signs including fines against violators. Following an awareness campaign to explain the regulations, sudden inspections will be conducted to spot the violations at the health facilities. SR 200 per violator is the fine set as per these warning signs.

According to the Affairs, smokers at the health facilities will be monitored through continuous sudden visits by the inspectors and surveillance cameras. Such visits aim at raising the awareness of smokers of the dangers and harms of smoking and to encourage them to quit, in addition to prevent the secondhand smoke and to provide a work environment free of smoking. It called upon health sector employees to abide by the laws and regulations for the prevention of smoking, which poses a health threat to the individual and community. 

Last Update : 07 November 2018 09:17 AM
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