MOH News

MOH Launches "Continue with Your Heroics" Campaign
12 October 2017
The Ministry of Health (MOH) shares the international community' concern by awareness activities on Breast Cancer Awareness Month 2017. Today, MOH launches "Continue with Your Heroics" campaign" across the Kingdom, including various awareness activities and event through social media and trade centers. According to stats, breast cancer is the most common among Saudi women (29%, 24.9/100000 ladies; average age: 49; 10-15 years younger their counterparts in western countries).
70% of breast cancer cases in acute stages are detected in the Kingdom compared to only 20% in developed countries, thus increasing mortality rates and reducing chances of recovery.
"Mammography screening contributes to 95% early treatment of breast cancer. So, women are asked to have periodical mammography screening to detect any abrupt changes early. Mammography screening targets 40-year-old woman and above, as well as younger women (30-40) in case of breast cancer or ovarian cancer family history.", stresses MOH.

Last Update : 15 October 2017 08:12 AM
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