MOH News

Madinah Health Affairs: 560+ Medical Prescriptions Dispensed During Hajj Season 1438H.
01 October 2017
According to Madinah Health Affairs, 566,670 medical prescriptions were dispensed during Hajj Season 1438H., as part of efforts of the Assistant Department for Supportive Medical Services. As for radiology, 22,560 general scans and 5,358 ultrasonic procedures were done. Also, 3,485 CT and 1,062 MRI scans were made.

In the same vein, the Forensic Center conducted 304 imaging procedures, autopsy operations, tests and other services. 312 trainees were couched, 28,36o outpatients attended educative events, 388 candidates were trained on the (Pharmacist During Hajj) and (Pharmaceutical Safety) forums.

It is noted that the Assistant Department for Supportive Medical Services in Madinah features (radiology and practical services, nutrition, forensic medicine, supportive medical services and  pharmacare. Recently, within the administrative strategic plan, 12 initiatives have been introduced, based on the technology development of departments, staff skills, quality, performance, health awareness and education, through launching the "e-Recruitment and Follow-up" system and the "e-Prescriptions" application for smartphones.


Last Update : 30 November 2017 02:48 PM
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