MOH News

Jazan Oncology Center: 2,965 Cases Served
25 September 2017
According to Jazan Health Affairs, since its inception in 2016, the Oncology Center of Prince Mohammed Bin Nasser Hospital has served 2,965 cancerous cases, with 220 breast cancer patients as the highest rate. On the other hand, the hematology division received 868 cases, and the genetic disease division served 2,264 patients. All cases are followed up by the hospital through top qualified medical staff; thus, contributing to reduction of referral to hospitals outside the region.

It is noted that Jazan Oncology Center features two sections, namely: inpatient ward and hematology ward.
The Center also incorporates a one-day-care division for blood caner and genetic blood diseases. On average, the Center serves five cases daily, including breast cancer, lymphoma and digestive tract tumors. The Center also includes a cutting-edge Chemotherapy Preparation Unit (CPU).


Last Update : 30 November 2017 01:50 PM
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