MOH News

1st Successful Bone Graft Surgery Conducted Using Ilizarov” Apparatus at KFCH in Jazan
12 April 2017
 A medical team specialized in orthopedic surgery at King Fahd Central Hospital (KFCH) in Jazan has successfully conducted bone graft surgery for a Saudi young man, after an accident that resulted in a fracture of his leg bone with a bone loss of 7 cm.
The surgery has been conducted in two stages: the first one was for cleaning the wounds, fixing “Ilizarov” apparatus, cutting bone and gradual lengthening the bone to compensate the bone of the leg itself. The second stage was bone grafting at the ends of the bone junctions, and the surgery has been crowned with success, May Allah be praised.

Last Update : 18 April 2017 03:35 PM
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