MOH News

MOH: Madinah Cardiac Center Saved the Life of a Patient by Repairing a Defect in Her Aortic Valve
09 February 2017
The Ministry of Health (MOH) said that a medical team at the cardiac center in Madinah has achieved a unique medical breakthrough; when they managed to save the life of a woman in her twenties through a cardiac catheterization to repair a defect in the aortic valve.
According to the MOH the patient arrived to the center from outside Madinah, after 6 months from having an open heart surgery to repair a defect in the aortic valve. The discovery of a circular cut in the anterior cusp of the mitral (aortic) valve by the center's medical team confirmed to them that another open heart surgery on the patient will endanger her life. Therefore, the team decided to operate on her heart to repair the cut by inserting a tiny device called "Atrial Septal Closure". The procedure is considered one of the rare cases which the team carried out successfully and the patient left the hospital in good health, thanks to Allah.

Last Update : 15 February 2017 03:39 PM
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